My DS is 4.5mo and about a month ago discovered that he could make a horrible high pitched shrieky/screechy noise. I've been hoping that the novelty would wear off but he's still doing it - more than ever. In fact it's become one of his main modes of communication - He'll do it when he's quite happy smiling and playing, and he also uses it when he's bored and wants a change of scene, when he's uncomfortable, and he does it when he's starting to get tired. So it's pretty hard for me to know what he wants since he insists on doing this awful noise for so many things . I've tried ignoring it but it hasn't helped, and often just seems to get worse. I so wish he would go back to cooing and chortling more when he's happy and grizzling when he's bored/tired. It would be so much easier on my ears (and nerves - that screech really grates!!).
Does anyone else's LOs do this and what do you do about it - please tell me they grow out of it soon!