Author Topic: PPD and I really have no idea what I'm doing...  (Read 751 times)

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Offline sk4399

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PPD and I really have no idea what I'm doing...
« on: September 04, 2006, 00:51:04 am »
I just posted a question about W2S, but I figured I should just make a post about my entire dilema.  I am a second time Mom to a 18 week old DD (Alaina).  I am suffering again with postpardum depression and Alaina is a poor napper.  The lack of schedule (i.e 5-6 30 minute naps per day) makes it very hard to play with my oldest DD (Olivia 3.5 years).  The PPD makes me constinatly second guess myself.  I really hate not having my usuall self confidence.   I also have a hard time typing all the information so that it makes sense, but here it goes:)

*  Alaina sleeps through the night from 6:30 p.m. or so until 5:45 a.m.  She just started waking up that early since I tried extending her A time to 1.5-2 hours, before that she wanted to nap every hour to 1.25 hours. 

*  She takes 5-6 30 minute naps per day.

*  She take a pacifier, but I do not have to replace it durring the night.

*  She has reflux and has barley in her bottle, because it is so filling, she only wants to eat every 4 hours, so she is on a 4 hour EASY for eating, but because of the 30 minute naps, she has 2 naps between feeds.

*  Even if she has a 30 minute naps from 5-5:30 p.m. she is so tired upon waking that she sometimes is frantic and hysterical and unable to eat.  She then cries until bed. 

*  She is put in her crib awake for naps and night after a short wind down of pulling the shades, turning on the white noise machine and a short snuggle.  She goes right to sleep for naps, for bedtime she always cries.

*  My oldest DD also took 30 minute naps, she only stopped at 17 months when she went down to 1 nap (1.5 hours)

* I have tried W2S.  I went in at 25 minutes an stroked her cheek, she still woke up at 30 minutes.  So I went in at 22 minutes and she still woke up.  I tried the pressure, but she woke up when I put my arms on her.

I realize that my post sounds all over the place, but I am lost.  I'm not sure if all PPD Mom's feel like this, but I am so unsure of myself and I need everything dumbed down for me so I can even comprehend it.  Thanks for listening.

Katy :)

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Re: PPD and I really have no idea what I'm doing...
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 02:58:34 am »
Hi Katy-

Big hugs to you, sounds like a rough time that you're having.  I'm trying to get a picture of Alaina's typical schedule from your post, but I'm not sure I have it right.  Can you outline what a "typical" day looks like? - Even if it seems all over the place if you type it out it might help us figure out something that will help you.  I'm not sure about the W2S, I never had much success with it myself, but I know it has worked well with other moms who may be able to help you out more there. 

I'm sure you're doing a fabulous job with your LOs, sorry that you're second guessing yourself.  If you haven't found your way over there already, I would post on PPD board if you're in need of some support.  I know that there are some wonderfully helpful and supportive ladies there who can lend you a hand if you need it.  Also, the reflux board might be able to help you out too if you've got any questions about that.  Hang in there!

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Re: PPD and I really have no idea what I'm doing...
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 03:16:58 am »
Hi Katy,
My Andrew is also 18 weeks old and has reflux. Has the Dr. confirmed your DD's reflux? Andrew had a barium swallow when he was 6 weeks old because of his aweful sleeping. (I am a first time Mom and have been having a dificult time.. .although I think it's getting better ;)). Andrew is on Pepcid and it seems to be helping. Also, I would keep him upright about 10-15 minutes after eating, and making sure he doesn't eat and then is put down to sleep. The acid would come up and he would wake, every 20-30 minutes. I also bought him a little incline mattress off of amazon and had him sleeping on his side. (on the left side one nap, on the right the other). Once I got him that incline mattress, and made sure he didn't lay down right after he ate, his sleep got much better. He isn't sleeping through the night yet, and I am really hopeing soon he will but these are just some ideas to help your lo nap with the reflux. I am also sure you are doing  a wonderful job, especially if she is your second. Keep up the good job.