Hi I am semi new to this thread so any help would be greatly appreciated....;my lo is 16 mo old and about a month ago we went through vaccines, teething and illness. He is now semi back on track. He has all teeth including one year molars but is very very picky!!!

He used to let me help hiim feed supper but now only wants to self feed (fine by me!) but can't really use the spoon or fork yet. He uses the spoon for yoghurt and applesauces but that's it. Everything else he wants to self feed.
This is his typical menu for the day:
Breakfast: 8oz milk and 1/2-3/4 Eggo multigrain waffle or Nutrios or Weetabix dry cereal with 1/2 banana and MiniGo yoghourt
Snack: 1 small box of raisins and Nutrios with water
Lunch: 1/2 piece of light rye toast (not too crazy about bread) sometimes only has a few small pieces
slice of lunch meat (turkey, ham) or scrambled egg
apple pieces
Snack: cheddar crackers or breadstick, freeze dried corn, apples/bananas
milk 4oz
Supper: (always the same) chicken fingers (home made) with homemade pita crisps or few pieces of potato
few peas, Mini GO , applesauce and Arrowroot
SnacK: before bed Mum Mum or Nutrios
I have tried different fruits--strawberries, melon, grapes he hates the texture and pushes them around on the tray. I have tried to feed them to him but he spits them out. Same for veggies. I am really at a loss for what to do. At play group, snacks are healthy fruits with water but he won't eat them. Any suggestions?? WIll this get better or am I stuck with a picky eater forever?? I really don'/t want to get in the habit of making extra food for hm and when he is old enough to really understand I won't but I need to get past this...please help
