I also was very happy to find this thread. Our 13-mo-old PR also has become very picky about the looks and textures of foods. So, I have learned many new things that I could try. Thank you.
I also wanted to share two things that helped us. PR was throwing food a lot - regardless whether he liked it or not, but particularly, if he did not. So, I got sick & tired of it and decided to "teach" him not to do it. Initially I observed him to detect the hints that he is contemplating to throw the food. Once I learned that (it took me just a couple of meals) I would put my hand in front of him and then tried to catch his hand just as he got into trowing position, but before he let the food go. Of course, I managed to do it half of the time at best...

After a week or so, he started to realize what was going on and started to release the food into my hand voluntarily as I caught his hand. After about another week he put the food into my open hand when it was in front of him. After a number of times of hysterical cheering from my side, he learned to put in my hand whatever he had as soon as put my open hand in front of him. It has made eating (as well as playing) quiet a bit more enjoyable (as heavy toys are less likely to land on my head...

The second thing I wanted to share is about delayed development. Some moms wrote about late crawling and walking. PR was also late with everything. At 9 mo-s he still was not able to sit up, pull himself up, crawl, nothing. He was not even babbling yet. He was only squeaking. Our pediatrician sent him for different blood tests, hearing tests, neurologist, brain scans and god knows what. I just hated putting him through all that and each appointment required long waiting times. So, when he was 11mo and nothing had changed and we had not been through even half of those tests, I got very frustrated and finally listened to my sister (she has 3 kids). She told me to take him to osteopath. It turned out that PR's one hip and neck muscles are very tight. After 2 visits PR started babbling and getting into crawling position. 4 visits later (PR was 12 mos) he was not only sitting up, he was pulling himself up and starting to walk when holding on things. He is 13 mos now and walks across a room unaided!!! Now we just go for monthly check ups. If anybody is interested, I can tell you more about it.