thanks Karen and Kate! He does drink too much milk, I had him down to two 8 oz bottles, one in the morning and one at bedtime, but since he is at my mom's all day and she cannot stand to hear him cry, she would always give him a bottle at noon (and not tell me about it

) so now he's totally used to it. I think I'll try to still give the three bottles but maybe just reduce the amount of each one?
The meatballs could work I think. I guess I can kind of understand him not liking the texture of meat, I really don't like it that much myself...
The strawberries were a big failure... he did not like them at all. Last night I made him some pasta and thought I would throw in some zuccini pieces in there since he used to like them when he was younger, but as soon as he saw me cutting the zuccini he freaked!! He started screaming he didn't want it, to put it away... I told him very calmly that he didn't have to eat it, he could if he wanted to and that it was yummy but it was his decision. He still cried

Then I thought I would try the idea of having him touch the food, with no pressure to eat it, but he freaked out about that too, did not want the zuccini anywhere near him

I ended up eating the whole thing myself, pretendind the whole time that I was so happy he didn't want to eat it because then I could eat it all myself in some lame attempt to get him interested in it... whatever, he did not care one bit.
The color idea sounds interesting, I would love to try it but ds does not understand the concept of "it can be on your plate and all you have to do is put it to the side if you don't want to eat it". He starts screaming if I even put something in a different plate and put it near him... I'm begining to think that he'll eat only pasta with butter for the rest of his life...