thanks for starting this thread. for me i have different issues with dd1 and dd2 - dd1 is just a typical 3 yo who has gotten very selective about what she will try... but dd2 is spirited and sensitive to textures and consistency + is very independent and hard to please. i never know what new foods they will try but at least 90% of them get rejected.
dd2 is not a big breakfats food eater and that is driving me crazy (it is the easiest meal for dd1 who eats a TON for bkfst and then less at lunch and dinner). dd2 gets ed off at what i offer and will refuse cereal for days and then gobble up a whole bowl just when i am giving up on cereal (weetbix + milk) as an option. she seems to prefer it dry (except days like today when i skip the dry/wet debate and offered it dry and she got upset). has refused all forms of eggs every time offered. LOVES fruit thankfully and up until 2 weeks ago was a decent veggie eater but seems to have gone on sudden veggie strike.
i feel at times that both girls are living on carbs - plus fruit for liv.
staples of liv's diet at 19 mo - crackers, pretzels, cheerios, weetbix, mandarins, pears, strawberries, melon, smoked salmon (the one food she will strangely gorge on every day if i can afford it),rice, plain pasta with NO sauces, oven chips /fries roast chicken (less so these days), turkish bread rolls and raisins. occassionally eats: broccoli, carrots, fish sticks (as of 2 weeks ago hurray!), raisin bread, jars of older toddler (10-15 mo with lumps) heinz meals

, baked beans (another recent win!!)
what do you do for meals on the run with your picky eaters as at least at home i can offer up faves. on the road i usually give her smoked salmon or salami sticks (if she will eat it) or chicken if there is a shop around + plain pasta + veg choice + fruit. dd1 gets peanut butter and jelly sandwich (dd2 won't touch this) or a date scone + salami They are not sandwich eaters

so i can't just make a ham sandwich and go out etc.