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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #165 on: November 18, 2006, 22:43:36 pm »
I'm in.  My DD is nearly 2 years old and has been a picky eater since pureed foods.  Is there any connection between toddlers who are on soy milk and also picky eaters???  Anyway, DD likes pasta with no sauce, rice, green beans (though not so much lately), cucumbers, crunchy lettuce, soy cheese, sometimes the little raviolis made by Gerber for Toddlers, sometimes lunch meat or other meat and most fruits.  She definitely likes the fries and burgers fast food, but I'm trying to be the perverbial good mommy and not go there so much.  I go crazy trying to come up with a lunch/dinner menu that is well rounded enough without fixing the same thing every day.  (Of course, she ends up rejecting after awhile if I do make it everyday anyway.)  We always have to make her something different than what we eat for lunch/dinner.  And going out to eat is always a bigger challenge!  Any helpful suggestions?

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #166 on: November 19, 2006, 02:24:15 am »
So Marisa's eating has been even worse lately, rejecting even grilled cheese and dropped meatball and mac n cheese.  :-[ And she had barely anything today. BUT, at least her snacks have been healthy (all dried fruits/Just Bananas, Just Strawberries or Blueberries). AND, this morning, she held and licked a fresh pear slice!!! She didn't bite it but she held it for a while and did lick it. DH and I almost threw a party (she's never had ANY fresh fruit before)!!!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 02:27:06 am by Marisa'sMama »
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Melsy

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #167 on: November 19, 2006, 05:11:07 am »
Hi Melissa,

I can't remember too much about the specifics about swapping the mid afternoon snack with dinner except she did say that when kids get to go to school for the first time i.e. Grade One, that they usually come home from school famished and exhausted and that they normally fall asleep way earlier.  So she was suggesting that at that age, they should have "dinner" at say 4pm when they get home from school and if they are still awake, then a snack at the time that the rest of the family was eating like 6.30pm or whatever.  As i said tho, I can't really remember!!  Sorry!

We have had some (small) success with a fussy eater's alphabet soup.  Ds had about 4 spoonfuls of it the first time I made it, which is really good for him!!  2nd time he only had 2 or 3 bites, but still!  And Dh and I thinks its pretty tasty so we like to eat it!  Recipe is::

* 1/2 white onion, grated or finely diced
* 1 garlic clove, crushed
* 1 tsp olive oil
* 1 celery stalk, grated or finely diced
* 1/2 carrot, grated or finely diced
* 1 lean rasher bacon, diced (optional, but really yum!)
* 1 small zucchini grated or finely diced
* 1 small potato grated or finely diced
* 1 cup passata
* 2 cups salt reduced vegetable stock
* pinch mixed herbs
* freshly ground pepper
* 1/2 cup alphabet or other small soup pasta
* parmesan cheese for serving (optional)

1.  Place onion, garlic and olive oil in a saupan over low heat.  Cook for 2-3 mins then add celery, carrot and bacon if using.  Cook, stirring, for a further 1 minute.  add zucchini and potato and cook for a further 1 minute then add passata and stir well.  Bring to a simmer, then add stock, herbs and pepper and let simmer until vegetables are tender, approx 20 mins.  Check consistency and add water if needed.  Bring a small saucepan of slightly salted water to a boil and add pasta Cook until al dente.  Stir pasta into soup.  Transfer to bowls and sprinkle with parmesan cheese if desired.

It is pretty quick and easy to do.  I blend the soup with my hand mixer before I transfer the pasta in, as ds is more likely to eat it if he can't see any "lumps" of veggies. 

We had small success on the weekend.  Saturday for mid afternoon snack after sleep I offered choice of sliced apple or sultanas.  Ds was not happy but I was pretty firm and said he could only have the apple or the sultanas.  Well the sultanans got thrown on the floor (  >:( )  I vacuumed them up and said "well it looks like there is only apple left now".  He was quiet for about 20 mins then out of the blue just started eating it, ate the whole thing and then asked for another one!!!  So we shared another whole apple!!!   :)  I was very happy!!  He has only ever eaten dried apple for me and has gone off that now so I saw that as a slight victory!!  of course when I offered apple again today, he took it (and I was very happy) then he chewed it and kept spitting it back out onto his plate.   :-\  So not the result I wanted, but anyway!!!  Another thing I have been doing is ds is addicted to Vegemite so i have been smearing a small amount of cream cheese spread UNDER his vegemite on his toast or muffin and also a little on the bread under his vegemite sandwich and he hasn't seem to have noticed.  So today i offered him a Sao cracker with cream cheese on (not the usual Vegemite) and he ate 3/4 of it!!  So another small victory!!   :)

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!  We just bought a big boy bed (arrrrgggghhhhh!!) so we are going to go set that up this afternoon!   :)

DS#1 - Aidan born Sept 2004
DS#2 - Callum born Feb 2008
DD#1 - Eloise born Sept 2009


Offline ErinGP

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #168 on: November 28, 2006, 03:24:26 am »
Hi! I hope it's OK if I jump in...My son will be a year on Dec. 7th and is a very picky eater. He goes through phases with things, but mostly he's a carb addict and will only eat a few bits and pieces of taost, cereal, etc. He hasn't  let us spoon-feed him for over 2 months. We still try at almost every meal, but we're lucky to get in 3 spoonfuls.
I'm wondering if most of your lo's are still a normal weight? Aidan is still just over 16 lbs, even though we give him Enfagrow at the end of each meal to top it off and he still gets two eight-ounce bottles a day. The ped. has had him on a high fat/high calorie diet, but he only gained 2 oz last month. He's being tested for a variety of illnesses...I guess I'm looking for reasurrance that maybe his "failure to thrive" is due to his eating habits. He was small at birth--6 lbs. 3 oz. He's normal developmentally, even a little ahead. He's been walking a bit for about a month and is VERY active (his favourite activity os climbing up and down the stairs). Anyone else having weight-gain problems?

Offline Lucysmom

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #169 on: November 28, 2006, 14:36:32 pm »
Hi -

Welcome to the club!  ;)  I am sorry you have to join us here, but I am glad you are here so that we can all try and support each other.

So has your son been labelled by the doctor as having "failure to thrive"?  Also, since he has become mobile he would be burning even more calories so perhaps they need to adjust his high fat/calorie diet to suit his new lifestyle?  Does he exhibit any signs of illness? 

Being a carb addict is very common, and it is carbs that they really need for energy.  We had a discussion on here I believe and toddlers don't need as much protein as we had all assumed.  The spoon rejection is quite normal but nonetheless annoying.  Can you offer a variety of finger foods for each meal and see how he does?  He might just be getting annoyed with the whole meal experience because he wants to be independent and not deal with the spoon.  The other thing you can try is offer snacks throughout the day instead of trying for 3 set meals.  Since he is mobile, sitting down for a meal is probably a tad boring so perhaps offering healthy snacks throughout the day might appeal to him more. 

That is all I can think of at the moment....  Mostly I can offer hugs and empathy!

Offline ErinGP

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #170 on: November 28, 2006, 18:18:33 pm »
Thanks for the support! Yes, Aidan has been labelled with "failure to thrive" since he's fallen off the weight chart. He has had some other signs of illness. He has chronic chest congestion and cough, he has since he was born. He's already had a couple of chest infections. He's going to be tested for cystic fibrosis on January 3rd...he has a couple of other symptoms, but I'm just praying that's not it. He's also been vomiting a couple of times a week since we put him on the high fat diet. The ped then thought maybe he has reflux and that's why he doesn't eat much, but that doesn't make much sense to me since he didn't have any symptoms until about 11 months. That's past the age that reflux is a problem, as far as I know.
We were offering a couple of solid snacks and that seemed to help, but the ped suggested that that would take away his appetite for meals. I actually found that he was eating better overall when he was snacking, so I might go back to it.
We do offer a wide variety of finger foods. Lately he likes grilled cheese sandwiches, and will sometimes eat almost a quarter sandwich. He also likes chicken nuggets. Cheerios are a permament favourite...they're the only thing he hasn't stopped eating. He seems to get bored of foods quickly. He'll take a few bites of something, then want to move on to something else. We usually end up offering 5 or 6 things to get him to eat as much as possible. Today he wouldn't eat anything for lunch except Cheerios and Enfagrow..hopefully dinner will be better!

Offline Lucysmom

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #171 on: November 28, 2006, 19:10:41 pm »
Hi Again -

Sorry to hear that your little guy has some health issues.  A friend of mine just had her son tested for cystic fibrosis because he is small and often has chest congestion.  She took him to our children's hospital and the test was easy and painless and she had the results in a few hours.  Her son tested negative for CF so he is just prone to colds/chest congestion and is a small guy.  I know how nervous she was ahead of time.  Is there anyway they can get you in to have the test done before January 3rd?  Seems like a long time to wait.  Are you in the UK or Australia? Or I am wrong completely (was guessing that because of spellings of words like "favourite"  ;) ).

That is interesting what the pediatrician said about snacks ruining their meals.  I can't recall where it is on here but someone posted a link to an article by Dr. Sears about toddler snacking and how it is not a bad thing.  I will have a look and see if I can find it for you.  My gut feeling is that if you truly feel like he will eat better having lots of snacks, it may be worth it.  My dd also gets bored of foods so I am always offering lots of different things. 

I am wondering if the chest congestion could be a sign of an allergy.  Like maybe milk, soy, or wheat?  Has your pediatrician mentioned that at all?  The most accurate way to determine if there is an allergy is to put your child on an elimination diet under the supervision of a dietician.  Then if an allergy is found, that food can be avoided and any averse reactions from foods will be gone so the child will be more likely to eat more because eating no longer causes discomfort.  That's the theory anyway.  Maybe check out the allergy thread and see if there is anything there that rings a bell with you.....

OK, will go now to try and find that article for you. 

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #172 on: November 28, 2006, 19:26:52 pm »

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #173 on: November 28, 2006, 20:35:21 pm »
Erin - sorry that your son is not doing well health-wise. I have no advise on that front apart form backing you up that it is unusual to develop reflux after 6 mo.

about the eating though - IMO just like we respect our lo sleep habits, A time needs etc we should respect what works for them food wise (learned the hard way trust me  :-[) in my case i have a snacker - Olivia always ate less than expected at BF and i even switched to the bottle because i thought it was me, but she just was that way from early on (we force fed her bottles basically and she gained lots of weight but at what cost)  Now with the picky eating i finally went with her rhythm and we are all happier. she barely eats breakfast but then about 30-60 min later after her appetite has been stoked she starts wanting to graze and she will eat random foods for up to an hour (ie- will come and ask for fruit, then cheerios, then pretzels, etc) and i go with it up to a point (ie no biscuits) she could live on cheerios and raisins (i serve them in  a bowl together as a snack). she eats a reasonable lunch, has a cup of milk (we finally got rid of the bottles last month), then after nap she often wants a snack, then gets hungry around 4:30 and eats part of dinner or a snack, then i serve dinner which is hit and miss, then she often comes hunting for food before her bath, then a cup of milk again at bedtime.

so- i don't think your ped would approve but that is what she dictates every day and she is now happier, trying new foods regularly and if she refuses an entire meal i just leave it on the table and let her wander off to play (she is VERY active and spirited which i personally believe has been a contributing factor in her food issues form day 1) and she will often return and scoff down a load of food later on (last night i had to bring her sausages from dinner in the car to go pick up DH at the train station. i literally had her in the car seat and she decided now she wanted her dinner which she had barely touched 40 min earlier, so i got the sausages and she ate them all on the way there)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #174 on: December 05, 2006, 19:06:27 pm »
Great idea, as a new mother of a picky eater (who was angel up until last week!)

Offline dhinderliter

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #175 on: December 12, 2006, 18:52:56 pm »
well i haven't read the time but wanted to introduce myself and picky ds. Ethan is 2 yrs 2mo and has been very selective since solids were introduced. he mostly eats dairy, pb&j, boxed noodles with seasoning (i.e. cheesy rice, mac n cheese, quick alfredo etc) but only rarely eats just plain noodles that i make, some fruit, crackers of any kind and paypaya. NO meats of any kind! urgh!! to say the least. i have tried introducing new stuff and sometimes he surprises me and tries it but its not like he eats more of it...

i would post more but dd is crying.
Danielle Military wife and SAHM to Ethan 10/4/04 and Ayla 9/5/06

Offline ErinGP

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #176 on: December 12, 2006, 21:42:10 pm »
Thanks for the article, Melissa. The part about liquid meals is especially helpful since Aidan loves to drink and would have only liquid meals if he could. We tried peanut butter last week since he's a year now, and were happy to find that he loved it! He'll actually eat 1/2 piece of toast with pb on it.We tried Kraft dinner and he threw up as soon as it touched his tongue. Do other picky eaters throw up easily? Aidan definitely has a medical problem that makes him vomit, but sometimes he'll throw up just because he doesn't like the taste of something.

Offline ErinGP

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #177 on: December 13, 2006, 01:09:34 am »
My husband's like that too. Maybe it's genetic. It definitely makes it harder to try new foods.

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #178 on: December 13, 2006, 13:36:44 pm »
I'm so happy to share my frustration with you too. DS was a fab eater but has spent the best part of the past month eating nothing or very little. I'm still giving him formula instead of moving to regular milk so that I know he's getting more protein etc. He's also not sleeping so well as he is hungry ERGH           !!

Offline ErinGP

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #179 on: December 17, 2006, 20:41:10 pm »
We just started Aidan on milk a couple of weeks ago. We actually give him whole milk mixed with some whipping cream to try to get his weight up (he actually went from 16lbs. 5oz to 17 lbs. 12 oz in the past 3 weeks!). We give him that with his meals, and give him Enfagrow in his bottles rather than formula or more milk. It seems to be working for him.