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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #180 on: December 31, 2006, 12:08:31 pm »
I'm scared to jinx us but we've been having some successes lately. After a month of horrible/no eating during back to back virus, rotavirus and ear infection, Marisa is now trying more things - she LOVES this shredded chicken my sister and I make (boiled in a stock), although she won't eat the pasta with it; last night at SIL's she ate a good amount of beef from the Chinese food beef and broccoli (no broccoli) and yesterday morning she grabbed a bit of scrambled egg of my plate - she only would have a tiny bite but she tried it! Hoping it continues and improves and eventually maybe we get some fresh fruit and veggies...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #181 on: December 31, 2006, 16:26:18 pm »
That's great!!!!!! :)

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #182 on: December 31, 2006, 23:41:30 pm »
I need some ideas gals!

Uhm... 3 weeks ago I started a slow wean from Alimentum to whole milk - the world was good.
8 days ago Owen took ill (bad URI), and hasn't had more then 3-4oz of milk or formula in 7 days.  He won't drink milk, or formula plain or mixed.  I am really at a loss of what to do.  I tried some lactose free to see if the thinner quality would help - no.  I tried it back in bottles, and in his sippys, and in regular cups.

This can't be good.  I have been yogurt and cheesing him to death, but he obvisouldy needs milk or formula in his diet.  Any ideas?


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #183 on: January 01, 2007, 01:13:12 am »
Naughty mommy idea!   Chocolate or strawberry syrup.  Works fantastic for O's girlfriend when she is feeling pickyish.  Also the only way to get her father to touch milk.   ::)    I use it as a treat a few times a week, but maybe try that with O-Man for a few days, then slow wean from it?
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #184 on: January 02, 2007, 01:28:26 am »
ZOEY!  Imagine seeing you around here...  :-*

Someone on our birth club board (Janet?) said Vanilla Quik did the trick (hee hee).  Pediasure sounds like a good idea too.  Or what about mixing one of those Carnation instant breakfast packets in some formula/milk?  They have lots of flavors, and lots of vitamins and nutrition too.  Might want to look at the label first though, double check ingredients...

I WANNA JOIN THE PICKY TODDLER CLUB!  My 3 1/2 year old is the queen of pickiness... does the gagging and occassional vomit if she's really grossed out by what I serve (so endearing!)  One of the only things I can get her to eat consistently is apples w/ peanut butter.  I'm sorta stubborn about not feeding her if she refuses what I give her, but I feel terrible doing this much since she's a tiny girl (32 lbs, 40 inches tall).  So I always try to offer something I know she'll eat...

Anyway, I am excited about following this thread to get some ideas (and support LOL!)


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #185 on: January 02, 2007, 02:50:41 am »
Can I join too since I can't join the "other club" Hagan! HEE HEE HEE.

I've been wondering about the milk issue as well since Elizabeth has NEVER been a good formula drinker.  She's a light eater too so I'd like her to drink more milk.  The switch to whole milk was not an issue at all.  I mix the 2 but only to get rid of the 2 bottles of formula I have left.  There have been times when were visiting when all we have is milk.  But as usual she only takes a little.  But the stinker, if I offer watered down juice she'll down it so fast she gets water loggled and is not hungry.  I swear sometimes I don't think I can win.

Now that I think about it...  Can I ask when you guys offer the milk.  If I give milk or formula first thing she doesn't eat much breakfast.  If I offer it with breakfast she'll eat more solids but just sip the milk.  How do you guys find the balance?

Thanks for letting me join.  Is there a secret hand shake or something.  ;D

Also:  Stacy, I haven't chatted with you in a while.  If you see this I hope you had a wonderful holiday and happy new year!

Thanks again

Proud Army Wife and New Mother to
Elizabeth Grace

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #186 on: January 04, 2007, 02:54:05 am »
Tonight I had "Don't wanna eat 'cause my mouth hurts".  I think.  So, not having any instant breakfast around, I tossed a yogurt into a cup, added milk, and stirred.  She drank most of it and went off to bed happy, so I think it was a hit.   :)   
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #187 on: January 04, 2007, 03:43:04 am »
Im gonna have to try that Jenn!  Brill!!  :-*

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #188 on: January 04, 2007, 04:50:14 am »
ok ready for the dumb question of the night? 
Will yogurt w/ milk go through a sippy cup?  I know Yo Baby makes drinkable yogurt.
Also, Jenn, is it ok to add instant breakfast or quick to the milk then try to wean them off it later?

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #189 on: January 04, 2007, 14:03:42 pm »
I bet you could definetly mix the consistency of milk and yogurt to make it go through the sippy.  ;)

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #190 on: January 04, 2007, 14:20:25 pm »
I did about 4 oz yo baby yogurt and 3-4 oz milk.  You may have to play with that for a sippy.  Mine uses a straw cup.  The stuff I've read says that flavored milk is just fine, if that's what it takes to get kids to drink it.  I don't think I'd do Carnation each time d/t the vitamins.  I'd worry that lo got too much of something.  But I could be wrong on that.  When Daddy is feeding, she usually has flavored milk as that's just him spoiling his babe.   ;)      When our doc was trying to talk me into soy milk, she said it comes in chocolate.   :P :P :P  We like our lactose free just fine.   
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #191 on: January 11, 2007, 15:02:04 pm »
I am new to this board, but am a big fan of Tracy's book and have followed since ds was 3 months old.  He is now 1 and I got on here because his pickiness with his food is driving me absolutely crazy.  Especially since my first child was nothing like that.  (not that I am comparing, I just didn't realize kids could be so picky)  He is still mostly on purees since that is about all he will eat, but some days he won't even eat that.  One day he likes it, the next he doesn't.  He drank milk with no problem, then after a bout of stomach flu, and nothing but pedialyte and juice for four days, he has refused to drink any milk.  Do I force the issue or let him have juice all day?  The other problem is that he wants to eat all day long, of course the only thing he will eat is cheerios (the honey nut of course, he refused the other kind), and breakfast bars and animal cookies.  What kind of nutrition is that? 

Any suggestions?  Do you still have your 1 year olds on a good schedule where they are not eating all day long.  He is also waking up in 2-3 times in the middle of the night, gulps down a drink, then goes back to bed.  How do I eliminate that??? 

Sorry so long!  I am open to any and all suggestions!!

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #192 on: January 11, 2007, 15:14:18 pm »
Hi ladies!!  Few tidbits I don't remember posting.
Adding 1/2 a cup of powdered milk to a 1/2 gallon of fluid milk adds calories and protein without changing the taste.  Then add a bit of instant breakfast to it and use to make pudding.  Major calories!!  Careful though, the fat in the whole milk gave me reflux.  Or, just give lo the milk by itself.   Chocolate cream of wheat with a spoonful of soy or peanut butter mixed in is yummy.  So says Charlotte.  More calories/protein.
If feeding your kidlet ice cream anyway, do you think it makes sense to buy the $$ stuff that has the ton of calories?  B&J for toddlers!!   ;)  Ok, I would not go that far, but the thought did pop up.  I'll try to look at the diet book at work this weekend.  More ideas for increasing calories. 
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #193 on: January 11, 2007, 17:44:35 pm »
Kina - Hi and welcome!

Sorry you are having trouble with your ds but you have come to the right place!  How long ago did he have the stomach flu?  It can take kids a long time to recover from the stomach flu and it is best to follow their lead for a while. But from the sounds of it, it has been a while since he's been ill....

So no milk at this point, right?  Would he accept yogurt without lumps in it since he likes purees?  I think I would try to cut down on the juice he is drinking as that is empty calories and would decrease his appetite for meals.  Can you limit his fluid intake and then try to get back to 3 meals a day and 2 snacks and see if his appetite increases?  As for increasing variety and tolerance of different foods, that is a battle we are still fighting here.  If he is comfortable with purees a lot of the time, then perhaps try to introduce new flavors but in the form of purees.  And new flavors in the form of crunchy dry things (like cheerios - we are addicted here as well).  I am not much help I fear.......

On an unrelated sidenote, I knew a Kina growing up and lost track of her.  Just on the off chance, was your last name Crenshaw?  I have never met another Kina or even heard the name again, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I would be so overjoyed to find my Kina!

Anyway, let us know how you get on with your ds!  Good luck!

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters
« Reply #194 on: January 11, 2007, 20:27:28 pm »
Kina, have you tried the flavored milk at all?  Chocolate or strawberry syrup, vanilla Quik, plain vanilla flavoring, a small amount of Carnation instant breakfast?

We had the milk issue for a while, but now just flavor it all and we're good to go with 2 8oz cups a day! 

Good luck...