HI there
I feel pretty challenged by my 2 /12 yr old these days, he went from eating any kind of fruit, and the odd veggie,(once he went solid on those it was tricky) but now he'll rotate the fruits and now he wont hardly touch spaghetti, or pizza or soup, or mashed potatoes, then the other nite he woouldnt eat them baked, when he always liked these things before! AAARRGGG! The one thing he always eats CHEESE! But I dont want him to live off the stuff! He just strted to eat bananas again, finally! He loves breads, and pancakes, but again, I dont want him to live off the stuff. I make alot of smoothies, but then I dont want to offer too much fruit after incased he gets a tummy ache, but he wouldnt eat the same fruits in a bowl, but in a smoothie ah yeah!Anyways...hearing you out there!