Hi.........Id love to join this thread if I may.My son is 13 months old and a very fussy eater.Ive often felt the guilt BUT i have just read all the postings on this thread and now i feel sooooo much better and not alone with this daily dilema at mealtimes. PHEW!! Im sure i was going nutty from guilt of my son not having his meat and vege every dinnertime!!
jakob has silent reflux and has always had an aversion to food.I dont know if it is related but my guess is that in some way it is.
You see Jakob is on a special formula which is actually sweeter than the ussual formula.Not long after he started solids he would only eat certain purees.....sweet vege ones like pumpkin and sweetcorn or kumara etc. The sweeter formula seems to have him prefering sweeter foods? Im sure some may disagree but it makes sense to me.
When it came to try lumpy foods.........it all hit the fan.It took months to get him to even keep anything but puree down.My washing pile was HUGE!! I felt my son would be 5yrs old taking his pureed fruit to school in his lunch box!!
Finally at near 11 months he decided he wanted finger foods..GREAT i thought......alas like so many of you that too has been a nightmare.He started out with great enthusiasm and tried anything happily.I was so excited.I praised him so much and he loved it! Then one day it suddenly all changed just like that!!!
Jakobs eats well as in amounts most days but only certain foods and of course only when he wants to.What he loves one week he may refuse the next.He seems to have week long fascination for a food and want lots of it...then the enxt week throw it at me lol!!
Here is what he will eat...weetbix,vegemite toast,bananas
,fruit sticks,crackers,kiwifruit,mandarins,pears, raisins, sultanas,plain biscuits, sausages,potatoes, pumpkin,cheerios and a few other nibbly bits.
However he refuses all meat (apart from sausages) hates cheese, often wont touch veges any any form and basically leaves me scratching my head wondering what do i try now?


I do alot of the things mentioned in other posts and i dont show him im frustrated.But i worry later on nights like tonight when he wont hardly eat anything.(breakfast and lunch arent usually a problem) Dinner just doesnt seem like dinner to me sometimes as he hates meat and veges!! Tonight he nibbled on about 2 mouthfuls of macaroni cheese and then refused it.He took some toast off his dads plate but didnt want anything else. GREAT dinner ...NOT!!! (if i offered him something sweet he would have eaten it but i do not want to encourage his sweet tooth!!!)
He isnt suffering weight wise as he is a big boy and im sure in time all this will resolve itself.he was later than average to achieve milestones and only crawled 2 days after his 1st birthday........obviously he is going to take his time with food too!!


....if you have made it this far...THANK YOU and SORRY for ranting.I needed to share this and i am so relieved to have found this thread!! (I only found it by browsing through as I havent got use to the fact my "baby" is now under the toddler section.....my wee boy is growing up!)
Thanks for listening...what a super idea for a thread.Thank you, you ahve made one slowly going insane mother feel slighty more sane
