Hi Everybody -
I need to keep up with this thread a lot better! Sorry! I feel a bit responsible for it since I started it. But I started it because I am
clueless about how to get my dd to eat more in terms of quantity and variety so I guess I feel I don't have much to add except
hugs and tons of
Emfields - My thought is that if your dd does eat a variety of foods and is not really super selective in what she eats, then I think you just have to trust her that she knows how much food she needs to eat. I have heard time and time again from moms of toddlers with "normal" eating habits that their lo's can go days without eating anything substantive and that that is ok. And I have also read that it is best to look at the child's weekly intake of food as a whole and not just one particular meal or even one particular day. I hope that makes sense. My gut feeling is to just avoid creating any meal time strive and when your dd says she is done, tell her you understand she is done eating and end the meal. I would not make a big deal about it at all. I have learned that I did a lot of damage to my dd's meal time behaviors because of my attitude about it all. I was stressed, frustrated, and was not respecting my dd's wishes. Now that I have become more relaxed for the most part, things have improved. She is not a great eater by any stretch of the imagination, but the angst I felt and I think she felt about meals has diminished.
Sheila - I am sorry you're having such a rough time right now....That sounds like a really frustrating situation. How old is your ds? Do you think that maybe he is ready to eat like a "big boy" at the table in a booster seat? If there is a negative association with his high chair maybe this will help. Just a thought. I don't know if anything I wrote above in response to Emfields is helpful. Gosh, I wish I could help more. I feel for you! Definitely use this thread to vent, and we will all put our heads together to see if we can help our kiddos eat better.
Update from us: Lucy has eaten some steamed carrots which is a first BUT they MUST be salted for her to eat them. She likes salt.

And she likes sweet. So we have some real healthy eating habits here - NOT! She is pretty much living off of jarred apples and chicken, soy yogurt to a certain degree, Gerber fruit and cereal bars, freeze dried corn, cheerios, pineapple, peaches, raspberries, chicken nuggets, & mini potato pancakes. That is pretty much all she will eat. Oh, and Life cereal and crackers and graham crackers. We like carbs, fruit, and salt here pretty much.

She used to have oatmeal cereal mixed with soy milk and fruit puree but that is a big no-no for some reason now. She did eat some pizza crust last night with a bit of tomato sauce on it so that was a breakthrough (the sauce, not the crust). She could not have more than that as she is allergic to milk.
Ok, I am just yammering on here, but wanted to reply. I look forward to hearing from others. Stay strong moms of picky ones!!!

We'll get through this together!