Hi, I hope you don't mind that I jump in, but I am a little confused when it comes to cluster feeding, are they suppose to be having a nap in between clusters or is it awake time, my little bub is going great throughout the day sticking with a 3 hour easy routine but it hits cluster feeding time and DF time and we get a little confused with what we are suppose to do, we do the DF (most of the time he is awake) it is hard to get him back to sleep (he is only 2 1/2 weeks old) then wakes up nearly 1-2 hours with wind, and is difficult to resettle, have we commenced this routine to early, should we just be feeding him every 3 hours, we are unsure and in the middle of the night (as I am trying to learn the ropes of breast feeding) it is hard to latch on etc and we are tired. so if someone could help us understand the cluster feeding a little better, I think that, that may help.
Cheers Sandy