Hi there. Just an update on moving the DF back. We are now to 10:15. (IT's SO nice to have it done earlier) He is NOT waking anymore during the feed (yay!) and takes a little less. He doesn't seem to want more in the mornings, yet. In fact, he is taking less overall (28-30oz) but still takes any solids that I offer (1-2x/day). NO night wakings, either, so I'm NOT worried about his intake (esp b/c he's a CHUBBY baby!)
Do I still keep moving back till I'm literally df'ing 30-60 minutes after bedtime?
Kristi- Hugs to you and your 8 week old. I ditto what Tom Tom's mum said. It might take a WHILE for your LO to drop even one of those night feeds. I can remember at that age, every night thinking "ok, THIS is the night, he'll sleep longer." And, lo and behold he was up 3 hours after that df. ALso remember that whatever you start, it can take days/weeks for it to "work". I got VERY caught up in the idea that if I do X, then baby will SURELY do Y and Z immediately. Unfortunately, my baby was not reading BW at the same time I was!