We've had a mix of a day. Last night, after her bout of screaming, DH put her down to bed at 9.20, and she did not wake until 630 am!!! This is a first. We were happy. I fed her at 6.30, and we started our day at 7 basically. She got sleepy round 8.15, wound her down, and she went for her morning nap at 10.25. She Slept a whole two hours!!! Didnt wake at all - another first. We had to wake her at 10.30. Had her bath, fed at 11. Oh, btw, during the wound down, we topped her up with 50ml of expressed breast milk (EBM) which i had expressed from her first feed.
For her 2nd nap, think we tried to put her down too early, because it was a bit harder. But she went down at 12.30 or so. Again, we gave 50ml of EBM to top her off. Both naps, easy to get her to sleep. Swaddled, she didnt cry, patshush and she was asleep within 10 mins. For this nap, she slept in 3 phases, of 40+30+15 mins. Finally didnt want to sleep at 2.15 pm.
Fed her at 3pm. And was asleep for catnap at 4.20. She woke at 5pm on the dot. I gave her a very brief feed but she wasnt very intersted. Then, we went for our walk, and she got grizzly round 6.20. THing is , then i was just starting her massage. which was followed by a bath, and I started to feed her her dinner at 6.40, with the intention of getting her to bed by 7pm. But, she wasn't very sleepy. So i just walked her in her room, we listened to some relaxing music, i read her a book (which i never do at bedtime. normally its feed, swaddle, sleep - or rather i used to b/f her to sleep). Well, i waited for tired signs which didnt actually come. but at the first sign of a grizzle, i put her in cot ,swaddled her. She looked up at me with scared eyes and started to cry. That was at 7.20 pm and its now 8.30 pm - DH with her now. She cried so hard she vomited and we had to change her PJs and sheets. He is now topping her off with 100ml of EBM - hoping this will calm her down.
We can't figure out whats wrong. Are we starting this whole routine too late? I thought with a better catnap today of 40 mins, and waking at 5pm, we cld make it to a 7pm bedtime.
To summarise the day, here it is :
0630 : woke and E
0825-1030 : S
1100 : E
1230-2.15 : S (40+30+15 mins)
3.00 : E
4.20-5.00 : S
5.00 : E (top up)
6.40 : E
and the rest, well, she is still awake.