
Our 5 month old is no longer sleeping through the night - HELP!

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4 hour EASY schedule
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Offline ethan's mommy

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5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« on: September 17, 2006, 18:42:49 pm »
How old is your child? - 5 months (born April 6, 2006)

What’s his/her daily routine? - 4 hour EASY schedule

here's an example of our regular routine (this isn't always like clockwork because we don't stay home every day. we get outside, we go to mom and me aerobics, we're starting a mother goose nursery rhyme class this week, etc. so the schedule gets adjusted accordingly)

-7am wake (or I wake him)
breast feed (both sides all day, between 10 and 20 minutes total) and cereal (just started a week ago and all's going well except he seems RAVENOUS! doesn't want to stop eating cereal so I cap it at 4-5tbsp)

-7:30/7:40 - 8:30am: exersaucer, floor time with toys, etc.

-8:30am: read books and wind down for nap

-9-11 nap (1-2 hours usually)

-11am breast feed

-11:15/11:20am - 1pm: jolly jumper, floor time, exersaucer, sitting time (he just started sitting up a few days ago), run errands in stroller or car

-12:30 or so: books and wind down for nap

-1-3pm nap (1-2 hours usually, has a tougher time falling asleep for this nap)

-3pm breast feed

-3:15/3:20pm-nap time or next feed time: usually outside doing various things; sometimes stay inside and play

-sometime between 5 and 6:30pm might have a catnap but has a VERY hard time falling asleep for this nap still. sometimes he seems wide awake and just doesn't fall asleep. other times he seems sooo tired but fights sleep.

-7pm breast feed and cereal

-7:30pm bath and books

-by 8pm bed (he usually falls asleep within minutes with a pacifier, sometimes without)

-10:30pm dream feed (mostly been giving him a 4oz bottle of breast milk but i was starting to wonder if this wasn't enough, so last night i breastfed him b/c he started waking up just before 10:30 and i figured he'd be able to breast feed and not fall asleep).

-last night he woke at 3:45am, 4:15am and 5:30am. all 3 times we went in, gave him a pacifier, walked back out and didn't hear from him till the next time. he was still asleep at 7:15am so i woke him up to start the day. he was happy when i woke him up and gobbled up breakfast as usual. he was FAST asleep at 9am and is still sleeping now and it's almost 11:30am (he's never slept this long during a nap!).

-he's usually waking 3-5 times/night and wakes up crying/screaming but as soon as he has the pacifier in his mouth, he's content and quickly back asleep. we don't spend any time in his room, we don't pick him up unless his crying doesn't stop with the pacifier and we assume teething or hunger but we don't feed him after the dream feed and before 7am.

Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?
-he just started sitting up this week
-he seems to be teething all the time
-this night waking started a month ago when we went away for a week and he slept in his playpen. and although he's managed to sleep through the night (9-11 hours) since then, he's mostly waking 3-5 times per night, every night.

Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months)
-yes, rice cereal and oat cereal. he was showing ALL the signs so we started a week ago. he gets 3-4 tbsp, 2x/day but i think he'd eat more if i gave it to him. i tested this morning and he took almost 7tbsp and still showed no signs of being full!!

Do they have a prop? If so what is it?
-we give him a pacifier when he needs something to suck on and a teething toy isn't doing the trick. he gets it for nap and bedtime for the most part although sometimes he spits it out and falls right to sleep. other times, he spits it out while he's still awake and then screams or cries till we put it back in. he can sometimes get it back in himself.

Do they have a lovie?

HELP! Our baby was born April 6 and was sleeping at least 6 hours through the night by 3 weeks old. He quickly moved up to sleeping 8-9 hours and then 10-12 hours. He was on the 3-hour EASY schedule.

I didn't get Tracy's latest book until recently and had no idea that at 4 months a baby should be on a 4-hour schedule. OOPS! So I just switched him onto the 4 hour schedule about a week ago (around the same time we intro'd cereal).

Here's the problem though...he's no longer sleeping through the night. Not because of the switch in schedule though. He's been doing this for about a month now and we're going crazy!! It all started when we went away for a week in August and hasn't cleared up since we got home.

He's on the 7-8 schedule (wake at 7am, in bed by 8pm, breast fed every 4 hours, cereal at first and last feed as well, and then a dream feed around 10:30pm, 2 naps per day and sometimes a cat nap although he fights that nap like crazy! The morning nap is the easiest...put him down with a pacifier and he's out within minutes. The afternoon nap is more of a struggle and the evening nap only sometimes happens. He seems tired and ready for a catnap some days and other days he seems fine.). He's fast asleep by 8pm, sometimes with no help, sometimes with a pacifier (but once he's fast asleep, it falls out or we remove it and he doesn't wake up). Here's the catch though...he's waking up screaming/crying 3-4 times/night. As long as we go in and give him the pacifier, he's back asleep within seconds but we're then awake and not able to fall back asleep for awhile so we're getting sleep deprived!!!

He's not waking at the same times every night. Some nights it's around 1:30/2am, then 4/5am, some nights it's 3:30am, then 4:15am, then 5:30am and then he's fast asleep at 7am and I wake him to start the day.

What are we doing wrong!??! Has he become so reliant on the pacifier that he can't get himself back to sleep on his own? BUT, I know he can do it b/c I sometimes hear him making small noises and then he falls back asleep on his own so that makes me think it has nothing to do with the pacifier. OR, he spits out the pacifier when he's down for a nap or for the night, and still falls asleep while sucking his hand.

Why would he be waking a few times during the night screaming/crying? We tested it for one night to see if he'd soothe himself. We waited 15 minutes but the crying got louder and louder and then he was beside himself with tears streaming down his face when we finally went in. I was thinking it could be a growth spurt or teething but it's been going on for a month now!! It just doesn't make much sense. Is he just sooooo hungry and I should up the solids asap?!?!? I've done a yield of my milk and manage to get 4oz when I bottle feed him and have missed a feed off my breasts.

Please HELP!!! We ADORE the Baby Whisperer and know her methods work. We just can't figure this one out.


White Rock, BC, Canada

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 19:09:18 pm »
My guess would be the pacifier (although I'm not an expert!).  I have heard that around 4-5 months is when it often becomes a problem.  It doesn't sound like hunger to me or he wouldn't so willingly take the paci and go back to sleep.  We had the same problem with our DS until we took the paci away just after 4 months too.   :-\

Offline ethan's mommy

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 19:32:56 pm »
How did you take away the pacifier? I'd love to get him off it soon. Was thinking we'd use it till he's one but if it's causing probs, I want to remove it now.


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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2006, 19:53:55 pm »
You sound exactly like us.  Our DD had the paci (only for sleeping) until she was two, but it never became a problem for her, so I figured we'd do the same thing second time around...didn't work...we were up 4-6 times a night to give it to him so we said, "That's it!" and took it away.

We took it away cold turkey and used the pick up/put down method, combined with shh/pat.  Here is the faq link for pu/pd if you are interested:  https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?board=89.0

What I can tell you was that it was an AWFUL couple of weeks, but we have been paci-free for over 2 months now and if he wakes up during the night it is for a reason (hunger-needed a feed until recently, sick, stuck on stomach-lol-finally can get himself off now, etc.). 
That being said, although it was awful, it worked, and the Moms on the pick up/put down forum were great (thanks Zoey & Stacy!) and helped through the whole process.

If you do decide to do it, set aside 2 weeks to devote to it (not going out, etc)...it isn't fun, but it does work.  You may also want to introduce a lovie for him to get attached to.

Good luck, whatever you decide!   :D

Offline ethan's mommy

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2006, 23:50:01 pm »
I just realized I posted this wrong...somehow I set it up as a poll. Oops, sorry! I'm new to this.

So I think you're right...i think it's all about losing the pacifier. He's sleeping right now and it took 30 minutes, a LOT of screaming, crying, snot running down his face (this from an angel/textbook baby!), but he's FAST asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just emailed my husband at work to say LOOK OUT...we're getting rid of the soothers. I'm taking tonight's duty b/c he's off for the next 4 days and needs a good night sleep tonight to be on board.

Wish us luck. I hope this solves the night wakings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2006, 12:03:15 pm »
Wow!  Nothing like jumping right into it, but if DH is off for the next 4 days it might be a good time to do it.  There will definitely be a lot of screaming and crying, but Zoey told me, he is upset because you are changing the way he has known how to go to sleep for his whole life.  He is saying, "Hey, wait a minute...you forgot to give me my paci!"

My DS doesn't scream a lot either, but he sure did during this process.  He did the red-faced, holding his breath screaming and it broke my heart.  I cried a lot too because it took us a couple of weeks of this.  Some bedtimes took us 60+ minutes before he was asleep.  BUT we are on the other side and now he either puts himself to sleep, or just needs a bit of shh/pat.  Hang in there!

Good luck!

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2006, 12:55:34 pm »
How was last night?

Offline RenneE

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2006, 16:02:14 pm »
jennylhubbard -

Please let me know how your progress goes. We are having the same issue. our son will be 5 months next week. He was up at least 8-10 times last night. I think mainly because his pacifier fell out everytime. I think I need to take ours away to. But he LOVES it even during the day. Luckily the daycare hates it so I know I would have the support during the day.

Offline ethan's mommy

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2006, 03:49:39 am »
hi ladies,

it is going GREAT so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't know if it's b/c we've got an angel/textbook baby but it's only day 2 and it's like he's forgotten all about the pacifier!!!! maybe it's b/c he didn't have it for every sleep time, nor did he have it much during the day?!?! not sure.

that one nap yesterday was horrendous, last night's bedtime took all of 5 minutes and all naps today and bedtime were so quick! a few pats on the back and he settled himself after that. i only removed him from the crib (p/u, p/d) yesterday during that 30 minute cry fest but haven't had to remove him from the crib since.

i have also learned that he much prefers to sleep on his stomach. i put him in a sleep sack and although he can turn himself over in it, it's more difficult so i've started putting him to sleep on his stomach. i sometimes find him on his side or front, but i know that his stomach is the easiest way for him to fall asleep.

anyway, so far so good with losing the pacifiers! i've thrown them all out now so there's no turning back! when i do something, i really put my mind to it and do it 100%...i know not everyone has the same personality. but for me, it's like a challenge that i'm taking on and i must win!! hee hee

thanks for all the support. i'll keep you posted on how things are going. oh, and he only woke once last night at 5am and i got him settled within 5 minutes and he was asleep within 20! PHEW!!! he woke again at 6:30 so instead of putting him back to sleep till 7, i just fed him then and kept him awake till 8. he then slept for almost 3 hours!!!

thanks again!

jenny :)

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Re: 5 month old waking through night - HELP!
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2006, 12:20:57 pm »
Wow!   ;D  You do have an angel baby!  Congrats...I hope it continues going well.  Sometimes there are regressions, but it sounds like things are going well and it wasn't all that hard!!