generally LO wakes at the same time every morning. but sometimes she's up at 6:30 or if she has a bad night or isn't feeling well, she'll sleep until 7:30. Your LO probably has a time he usually wakes at. I'd see what it usually is and start making a routine based off of that. it will make his body get on a routing also IMO.
My LO can't stay up as long as average 7 month olds. Her average A time is 2.25 hours. but with no catnap, it's just the time between the p.m. nap and bedtime that's about 3 hours. but like today, she only napped 2 hours. don't know why. she got up from her p.m. nap at 2 so her bedtime would have been 5. i couldn't pick her up from sitter's and bathe and feed dinner by 5 so the sitter put her down about 4:15 and LO took a quick nap until 4:45. and bedtime 7. so i have to adjust depending on her day sometimes.
the average A time for 7 month olds is 2.5 to 3 hours. his A time is 1.5 to 2 hours, right? I'd experiment with A time. tomorrow do 2.25 hours of A time and see how he feels after that. if he's fussy and rubbing eyes by that time, then that may be enough for now. if he seems ok, after a few days, add another 5 minutes and keep adding 5 minutes every few days until 2.5 to 3 hours.
how was the mommy and baby aquafit class? that sounds like a lot of fun. i'm so jealous.
addison actually has the same A time in the before the a.m. and p.m. naps. your LO may be different though. i'd try to keep the A times generally the same but watch LO and see how he acts. after you get a good routine, he'll probably show you what he wants. it seems to me from what i've read on this site that about this age and older, babies start to become more individual in their sleep habits. i guess that's not a very definitive answer.
did this help at all?
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