My DD 21weeks is on 3.5hr easy, I recently extended her A time as her naps were getting too short which has worked fine, although now we have a new problem developing, which is that she has started waking in the evening. This is our routine
7am wake & BF
9am nap
10.30 wake & BF
12.30 or as close as I can get her, nap
2.00 wake & BF although she does still sometimes wake earlier but not by much
4.00 or as close as poss, nap
5.00 she wakes up herself normally at this point, ideally I 'd like her to nap until 5.30
5.30 BF
7pm Bedtime
10.30 dreamfeed in theory!
She very rarely sleeps through DF but is always very sleepy by end of it and goes straight back down without any fuss. But over the last couple of weeks she has started waking earlier in evening. The first time she did it was 10.20 so I simply went up and fed her, of course the next night when she woke at 9.30 she was hungry, and although I probably could of got her back to sleep I got flustered and fed her, mistake I know, anyway the next night she woke at 8.30 this I wasn't having and as I was more prepared I did PU/PD quite easily and got her to go back down and she didn't stir until i disturbed her for DF. The next night she didn't wake and I thought I'd cracked it but since then its becoming more erratic someties she does sometimes she doesn't, last nigh she woke at 10.15 it pained me to do it but as it was so close to DF time I fed her. Now I know all this is making rod for my own back, but what do you do when they wake to so close to DF time if you know it could take longer than time you've got to get her back to sleep, and when she wakes after 9.30 she is genuinely hungry as it's then been 4hrs since last feed and it makes getting her back to sleep even harder as she doesn't understand why she's not being fed. And one other thing on 2 separate occasions although she hasn't woken she has been crying in her sleep, this has been on busy days with too many visitors (stranger anxiety) not sure if this is related or just a coincidence, I never wake her when this happens as she doesn't need reassurance as she is actually still asleep or at least temporarily stuck between deep sleep and the next sleep cycle.
Any advice please on the best approach or even why this might be happening