Author Topic: how long do you shh/pat to sleep?  (Read 660 times)

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how long do you shh/pat to sleep?
« on: September 19, 2006, 18:54:05 pm »
LO is 16 weeks old -- we've finally got the hang of going down to sleep! (YAHOO!!)  most days i can wait until he is ready, sing a few songs, kiss him on the head and lay him down -- i will pat him for a few seconds, i will add the shh if he starts to become unsettled but for the most part its only a few minutes before hes got his eyes closed and hes on his way out..

my question is - shh/pat has worked wonders to teach LO how to go to sleep - how long do you do it? should i be putting LO down and walking away unless he is fussing, or do i shh/pat (or just pat) until he is asleep for a while? I dont want it to become a prop but I'm just not sure how long you are supposed to do it (as in days, weeks etc. not how many minute each time!)  I know these techniques are to be used to teach your children to learn to sleep on their own, but how do you know when to let them be?

maybe a stupid question!
thanks in advance...

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Re: how long do you shh/pat to sleep?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 01:21:57 am »

Not  a stupid question at all!!

I would pat him for a few minutes as part of your winddown and try a few times to leave him before he falls asleep and see what happens he may surprise you!  If not then just keep patting and one day soon he will start doing everything all on his own, for my DD it was around 6 months.

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