We switched the oatmeal/rice cereal to the evening and are giving her one ounce of a new food in the morning and then oatmeal or rice cereal and either a fruit or veggie after her 3rd bottle at around4:30 or 5pm.
She is now waking up 1.5 -2 hours early in the am and just when I think she is going to head off to sleep she has a huge poopy (it is looser now). This has been going on and off now for a few weeks. I just don't know how to get her to poop during the day so that her day isn't starting at 5am.
We are just in a vicious cycle of being overtired....early wakings causing really really short naps and then it continues. I can't put my finger on the exact cause as many things are going on right now (solids, sitting, teething, rollings, bad naps, overtired, etc.) but I think if I can fix this it may solve a few things.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch.