Author Topic: Babbling/fussing for extended period of time  (Read 1282 times)

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Babbling/fussing for extended period of time
« on: September 29, 2006, 20:28:57 pm »
Lately we've been dealing with 45 min naps.  I think it's, for the most part, due to teething.  (I hate teething!  :P)  We usually don't have 45 min naps so I usually know something is going on with her if we do.  So, because I'm pretty sure it's teething I'm just trying to do the best I can and drive on for now.

Anyway, my question is about her babbling after she wakes up.  She wakes up after 45 min - 1 hour and babbles/fusses a little bit.  I don't go to her since I started using pu/pd because I know she's trying to settle herself.  The problem is, that she will do this for the next 1-1.5 hours.   :o  Then, it's time to feed her, and I have a very overtired baby on my hands.  Overtired + teething =  :o  :'( I've always had good results with W2S before but not so good this time...  I'm just wondering what to do with her when she wakes up if she doesn't go back to sleep.  If I do go in and try to settle her with some patting, while she's in the crib, she gets pretty upset with me.  If I get her up, she's overtired.  I've been using pu/pd a little at night successfully but she's not upset so it doesn't seem appropriate for this circumstance.

I've started giving her Tylenol and hayden's tablets to treat the pain.  I got a 2 hr nap this morning but she woke up fussy and was yawning/rubbing her eyes within 30 min.  Put her back down with some teething tablets, and she was up at 1 hr, babbling...  We ended up with a total meltdown  :'(, after that she went to sleep.

Do you think something else could be going on besides teething?



Stepmom to Caroline, 10 years old

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Re: Babbling/fussing for extended period of time
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 22:07:53 pm »
Hi! I think we are in somewhat similar boats..... I am unsure of what is going o with my little boy. possibly teething as well. Can you describe to me the symptoms your baby is having? How old is your baby?
My little dude has not been napping well AT ALL! 40 minutes at the most! Then he's up!
His fingers are constantly in his mouth, he drools ALOT, is fussy without Tylenol or Motrin. He's 4 months and 2 weeks old. I can get him to fall back asleep pretty easy, but once I put him back down in his crib - he's back up! He is SO SO restless!!!!!
Nighttime sleep - what it that??? He's up and down all throughout the night. That's with the tylenol or motrin.
I feel for you!!!!!! This is a very trying time. I hope it goes by fast......

Offline Karin3

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Re: Babbling/fussing for extended period of time
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 23:24:19 pm »
She'll be 5 mo next wk.  I know she's been kind of teething off and on for the past month and half - 2 months.  It hasn't been anything too distressing.  She was just drooling a lot and biting everything.  I noticed about 3 wks ago that she started acting funny.  It was little things at first.  Maybe she would wake up early from a nap every once in awhile.  She's spirited/touchy and she slowly started to become more touchy and less spirited, if that makes sense.  She was just starting to get much easier to sleep... and now this.   ::)

We came back from a weekend away to see relatives 2 wks ago, and she was out of whack.  Usually when we come back from these little trips, it takes about 2-3 days to get her back into the swing of things but it's not usually very bad.  Well, she hasn't gotten back on track. 

I looked in her mouth and she has one tooth definitely coming in.  I can see the white under the gums and possibly another one.  She's also drooling and biting on everything.  She's not really crying in pain, she's just more sensitive to things than usual and not smiling/laughing as much. 

Nights aren't that much worse though.  She was harder to get down until I gave her Tylenol last night and tonight.  Well, I spoke too soon about tonight.  I hear in there fussing.  I think it might just be a mantra... I hope it is.

Stepmom to Caroline, 10 years old

Offline Karin3

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Re: Babbling/fussing for extended period of time
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 00:32:28 am »
I tried to keep her up later a couple of times in the morning, thinking that might be the culprit.  She only does 1.5-1.75 hrs awake.  (used to do 1.5 hrs awake/ 2.5 hrs sleep)  I know this is way too short of an a time for her age.  She was 5 wks early but this is still too short.  She should probably be doing more like 2 hrs A time by now, right?

She was just so grumpy when I tried to extend A times a few days ago...and it was only by 10 mins.  But, maybe she was grumpy because it was a little something different OR it could be that I accidentally overstimulated her in my attempt to keep her occupied enough.   ::)  Planned a morning outing tomorrow with DH - just a walk in the park so it shouldn't be too stimulating.  I will definitely try a little harder to extend her A time as that does make sense.

Thanks for all the help! 

Stepmom to Caroline, 10 years old

Offline Karin3

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Re: Babbling/fussing for extended period of time
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 00:29:17 am »
Well, just as an update...  So far so good.  Last Saturday we went to the park in the morning and had some low-key errands in the afternoon so she ended up being awake for 2 hours at a time anyway.  She slept for 2 hours for both naps.  Sometimes, she's pretty fussy about staying up that long, but I think she's doing better with it.  Sometimes, she still does only an hour in the afternoon. 

I did pu/pd today to extend the 2nd nap.  I've done pu/pd before at night without too much grief (only took about 10 mins) but last night and for today's nap she lost it.  Both times it took about 30 mins and each time she had a melt down. 

Last night, she woke back up at about 0200 (she normally gets up now between 0400-0530).  I didn't want to just feed her and do AP.  I did pu/pd  for 30 min (during which she had a complete meltdown).  30 min after she settled she woke back up so I went ahead and fed her.   I don't think she was really hungry though because she didn't eat very much... :-[  She then slept through and I woke her up at 0800.  Then when I extended the nap today... that was really awful.  :'(

This probably isn't the right forum, but why do you think she started getting so upset over pu/pd?  It just seems strange to me that before, she pretty much went right back to sleep but now she has a fit over it.  KWIM?  Maybe it's because I'm changing her schedule and I did it pretty drastically... :-[  Maybe I should've changed a little more slowly.  I didn't think about that.   :-\

They should tell you in all of those baby/birthing classes about the incredible anxiety you will feel as soon as you bring your lo home.  I'm constantly second guessing myself and thinking "Oh, am I causing some kind of psychological harm to her...?"  I have to stop worrying so much before I give myself an ulcer.  ::)

Stepmom to Caroline, 10 years old