That many wakeups sounds like overtiredness (as does so long to go to bed). How long was the A time in the evening before bed? Plus if fighting you for 3 hrs, then def exhausted when finally fell alseep.
Are you BFing? If it takes soo long in the evening, especially if that involves heaps of crying, your lo probably worked up to hungry again. I would give a time limit, then try another feed?
And did you do bath feed bed, or feed bath bed?
If not having that last nap at all, maybe bedtime needs to be even earlier? At 6mo I still sometimes put my lo to bed at 6pm. If the last nap finishes at 4:30 then the A time before bed is almost twice as long as her other A times, so consider shortening it - or offering just a short nap, then short A time involving only bath feed etc.