
Totally confused - where to begin?????

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Offline MommyZ

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New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« on: October 04, 2006, 04:07:14 am »
Hi there,
I hope someone can help us to get started with the BW method. We have a whole bunch of issues going on. My DS is 4 mnths old, never was a great sleeper and we've never tried the EASY method before. At this point in time our naps range from 20-40 min, to get to this nap takes about 30-60 min (As of yesterday I am trying not to nurse him to sleep - he doesn't really mind, thought he does look for boob). After the nap he is usually happy for about 15-20 min, then acts tired, rubs his eyes and we start all over again. Maybe i can write our schedule and some kind soul can look at it and give us some suggestions... :)

DS - 4mnths old (was very colicky)

Awake/Feed - 6-6:15 (if he poops at 5, very difficult to put him back, doesn't fall asleep on his own and ready to start the day)
Tired  - 07:00
Putting to bed 07:20
Asleep 08:00 - 8:20/40

Tired 9:30
Asleep 10:30-11:15

And so it goes.
He can't stay awake for longer than 1.15-1.30 min (even then, it's a stretch)
I feed him every 2.5 -3 hours
Bedtime - start the routine at 6:00, asleep at 07:40 (with yelling, kicking, etc, routine itself is 15 min, the rest is dealing with screaming)

I've never tried shsh/pat. How do I do it on the back? He sleeps swaddled on his back? Should I even start at this point (4 months old??) I would like to extend his naps. Today he had 3X40 min - I spent pretty much all day in the bedroom, trying to get him to nap 3 times.

I just don't know where to start.....
I am trying to do pu/pd to get him started on falling asleep on  his own, before DH and I were working the floor for 30  min, rocking him. My wrist got busted, so can't do it anymore (not that i really want to  :-[

I would really, really appreciate some imput, suggestions on where to begin,etc. We are so exhausted!

Thank you so much in advance


Offline cwhyte

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 05:56:06 am »
oh, i feel for you!   we started the EASY method when my son was 4 1/2  - 5 months, and i just remember thinking that i should have started earlier because i was convinced it would have been easier to get things "right".   Plus, many of the moms using the site had babies who were much younger so it was hard to find advice.  However, i'm now glad that we waited until he was as old as he was because i got to do everything i wanted, even if it was "accidental parenting" - which i don't think it was.
it took a good 6-8 weeks before i noticed that my son was starting to go down easier for naps and bedtime.  it was a constant struggle, and there were many days i just cried and wanted to give up.  except i knew i had to change the way we were going because i was completely exhausted.  it also took me about an hour or so to get my son to sleep, and most of that time was him screaming as i picked him up and put him down again.  he is very feisty, which i love (now!)

as far as your questions go, these are just my thoughts.

 i'm guessing he's rubbing his eyes so soon after waking up because he's not napping long enough.  that may change as he starts to get the hang of a routine and sets his own rhythm.

as far as the shsh/pat, i'm not sure it worked for my son. there's a FAQ section in the pick up/put down forum (i think it's there) that might answer some of those questions.  i did a lot of pick up put down stuff, especially as he would roll over onto his belly, but then get stuck there (and really freak out. thank goodness he outgrew that in a few weeks).  for my own sanity, i would just talk out loud and tell him that i was having difficulty too, or whatever else was going on for me at the time.  it actually helped to reduce to irritation of him screaming in my ear every night! plus he couldn't hear what i was saying anyway!
  however, now that he's older, i notice that me putting my cheek next to his and saying "it's okay" when he's lying down really soothes him.  i rarely need to pick him up any more.  actually i think it just annoys him now.

you could try swaddling, but he may be too old now and just get frustrated.

when i started the whole EASY routine, i went full on, trying to do the whole thing at once.  i soon realized that i was beginning to resent my son because it wasn't working like it said in the book.  i then allowed myself to take smaller steps and it was way less stressful.
i began by just watching his tired cues (which took me forever to learn) and then would put him down.  it also felt like i spent most of the time in the bedroom.
i made up my own little ritual of saying goodnight to the pictures in the room for naps and bedtime (and of course this initially got him screaming because he knew sleep was coming).   

And rather than trying to get him to sleep through the night, i fed him whenever he woke up, since he was still used to it.  it was enough that he was now sleeping in a crib rather than beside me.  i did that for one month, and then over a five day period, got him sleeping through the night.

 i also find that it's easier if it's either me or my husband doing the shift because my son will get worked up if there's a change in the person coming in to sooth him, and it's like starting over.

my son is only awake for two hour stretches at a time, and he's now 7 months, so i wouldn't worry about yours only being awake for 1 1/2 hours at a time.

i also don't completely follow the EASY steps exactly, and often feed him before naps and bedtime.  this may set up some habits down the road, but like i said, i'd rather do it in baby steps, and enjoy him more, than get frustrated.

you may also find it's a bit more challenging starting this late because of milestones that start coming up.  at least i did.  it's sometimes difficult to know if he's in pain from teething, or has gas from new solids, etc....

just be patient with yourself.  it will happen!  ;)

hope this helps you out a bit.

Offline MommyZ

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 19:48:54 pm »
Thank you so much for the reply! I just hope I have enough patience. Can I ask how did you wean you LO from feeding at night?? DS eats at about 10:30-11 pm then again at 2:30-3:00 am (not a very long feed). I am breastfeeding.
Also today I tried to stir him a bit after 30 min (he wakes up usually after 40min for good) - I didn't work, he did stir and jolt, but at 40 min(on the dot!) he started crying with his eyes closed. I applied pressure to the chest and legs, but he kept going at it and lifting his legs and slamming them on the mattress and eventually I had to pick him up. He cried on my arms for about 10 min then calmed down - i put him back and he slept for another 40 min. I don't know if that's how I should do it?? I feels that if I keep him just a bit longer 2hrs 20 in (A) then he goes down easier.

Thank you again, and if you would tell me how you weaned you LO I would really appreciate it...  :)

Offline cwhyte

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2006, 00:57:12 am »
hi there,

i got my son to sleep through the night by not feeding him when he woke up in the middle of the night.  when he would wake up (it was more like he was stiring at first, and then went into a full out cry when he realized he wasn't getting fed).  at first i would say "nighty night" - which usually didn't work! 
then i would do the pick up/put down until he fell asleep again.  what i found is that it took a lonnnnng time! at least in the middle of the night!  i found it was taking an average of 1- 1 1/2 hours to get him to go back down.  and from what i remember there were two times during the night that he would wake up.
the first night was rough.  the second night was great, and the subsequent three or so nights were a mixed bag.  however after a few nights he was pretty much sleeping from 7:30pm to 6:00am.
i found that after the rough nights, as he would start to wake up, i would again say "nighty night" or "it's okay", and he would go back to sleep.  it didn't always work, but often he would just go back to sleep.

i do however give him a dream feed when i go to bed at night, and i think that gets him through.  he was on solids before i started getting to sleep through the night, but i know lots of moms are geting their babies to sleep through the night well before that.
we also went to visit family in september and that kind of got things mixed up for him, and i ended up feeding him during the night again.  i just decided to wait until i got back home to try again rather than struggling with him each night we were away.

he was waking up again this past week, but that's because he was teething, so i just gave him some tylenol and breast fed him.  i didn't affect him the other nights after that, as he's been sleeping through again the past few nights.  i felt bad though because one of the nights he was up for over an hour ( i thought he was just wanting to have his milk to get back to sleep, but i think he was in pain).  oh well, it's all a learning experience!

my son actually wakes now at 5:00am, and i just bring him into bed to nurse while i got back to sleep (or try to!)

as far as the 10:30 feed, maybe you could try dream feeding him at 10:00, before he wakes up, and see how far that gets him until he wakes up again.  and then when you're ready, try and get rid of the 2:30 feed.

oh, i almost forgot, i weaned him from the night feeds while my husband was out of town, since i was more relaxed as he cried, and didn't worry about him losing any sleep.
not sure how you want to do it, but maybe arrange a plan first, so you can just focus on your son.

hope that helps. 

Offline MommyZ

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2006, 02:52:56 am »
Thank you so much for the reply. I would try it maybe in a week or so. I want to staighten out our day. He is a short napper and it is very labour-intensive to coach him into sleeping longer. He does it but i am pooped at the end of the day. So I am not sure if I can handle it.
Thanks for the heads up though, it's better be prepared and know that it would be rough in the beginning then expect it to happen right away.
Thank you again.

All the best to you and your LO.


Offline cwhyte

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2006, 00:39:02 am »
hi there,

i was thinking of something else. 
even though my son is used to his routine of going to sleep, he still will usually fuss while going down.  this is sometimes just a little squealing and moving around, and sometimes he gets into a full out cry.
i've found that if he's just fussing (with a little crying), i just leave him, since i've observed that when i went into sooth every cry, he just got more and more wound up.  if he's full out crying, it means i've left him awake too long.
this took a little time to learn to decifer the different cries and fusses, but he is really learning how to put himself to sleep better now.  it usually takes him anywhere from 5 - 30 minutes to go down now.  the reason it's taking 30 minutes at this time in his little life is because he's practicing his crawling skills in the crib and he gets all excited.  usually he just plays around and then goes to sleep on his own when he;s done.

good luck with everything!

Offline cathbilson

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Re: New to BW - desperately need help!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 07:01:13 am »
MommyZ, come join us at the May/June birth club. We've all got LOs around the same age and are going through a lot of the same issues!
Mum to Kieran (born 10 May 2006)