My 1 year old son (PR) learned to pull himself up his bed-rails 2 weeks ago. So now he does it when he's put into his crib for sleep. In the evening we do our bed time routine, put him into his crib and walked out of the room. Before this he was falling asleep on his own. Never had to go back into his room. Now, he stands up in the bed and crys. So, I go in and just put him gently down again. I don't say anything, don't make any eye contact, don't switch on light, nothing. The first 5 days I had to do it for 30 - 40 times until he finally fell asleep. Then we moved his bed time to a little later (from usual 7 - 7:30 to 7:30 - 8:00). For the past 10 days I have had to put him back down 8 - 12 times. Is this something that he will grow out of and I just have to hang in there or there are other strategies more appropriate for his age? I will appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.