Author Topic: 10wk old - too much day time sleep?  (Read 913 times)

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10wk old - too much day time sleep?
« on: October 05, 2006, 00:55:18 am »
Is 6-7 hours of naps during the day too much sleep?

Typical sleep time is
4-6pm (this nap is quite variable, sometimes she sleeps the entire 2, sometimes its only 45mins sometimes its 1.5hours....)

She is realllllllllllllllllllly cranky at her 6pm bottle and sometimes refuses it all together just so I would put her to bed (or so it seems). When I put her to bed after much fighting over her to take the bottle and her flat out refusing the 6pm bottle she will fall asleep within seconds of me putting her to bed.

I have a very difficult time keeping her up longer than an hour for activity time. The longest she has gone is 1.5 hours. She was screaming crying to go to bed, but once placed in her bed she was out like a light.....

I dream feed at 10:15pm.

She typically gets up at 2am and then between 4-6am every night. She wont eat but gets up just to see me, smile and coo, and then she goes back to sleep with her pacifier.....

Im so confused  ??? ??? ??? ???


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Re: 10wk old - too much day time sleep?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 04:20:44 am »
Thats right - she wont eat. At most she takes between .5 and 1 oz.. She screams blue murder if I try to coax her to have more. I give her back her paci and she goes back to sleep. But continues to wake between 4-6am and no matter how many times I try to feed her she wont eat before 6am!  ??? Im totally confused...

When she wakes in the night its not an outright CRY .. its more of a cranking noise.. if I dont respond (which I tried once, she went back to sleep with no help) when I tried it again.. she caught onto me and launched into a screaming fit. HEr wakes times in the middle of the night are always the same 2:30am and between 4-6 am.. every night. No variable.....
« Last Edit: October 05, 2006, 04:22:35 am by shimzy »


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Re: 10wk old - too much day time sleep?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 18:09:29 pm »
Yeppers she will go back to sleep from anywhere 2-3 hours after having only an ounce. And even when she takes that ounce at 4ish am.. and breakfast is usually at 6am.. she wont eat until closer to 7  ::) I tell yah....

I had her at the doc today to check for dysphagia...she is showing all signs and symptoms. He is referring her to a specialist to check (modified barium ...something or other..). Hopefully that will correct her I only wanna eat 3 oz in 18 hours problem  >:(

Doc concurred that she should be eating about 30oz a day.. At the most it was 25 she ate.. average is 18 so that is wayyyy less than she should be taking in.

Thanks  :)