My LO is just over 6 months, but we started solids at 4 months on the advice of my Dr. Mind you, we only started with rice cereal, and then gradually introduced veggies first and then fruits. Here is what her schedule looks like right now,
7-7:30am-wakeup, 6-7oz followed by 1 tbsp of cereal, 1 tbsp of fruit
9am-nap (usually only 45mins-1hr)
11am-6-7oz followed by 1 tbsp veggies, 2 tbsp fruit
12:30-1pm-Nap (usually 1.5 to 2 hrs)
5pm-2oz followed by 1-2 tbsp cereal, 1-2 tbsp veggies
She used to take a 45 min catnap in the late afternoon, around 4-4:30pm, but she fights me on this nap, so we've dropped it. But, 4 hours is a long time for her to be awake for, as she's pretty cranky by the time 7pm rolls around. She does however, sleep for approx 12 hours at night.