Hi there it's lovely to meet you!
I am by no means an expert but it sounds just like what I was doing before I discovered BW and it amazed me just how quickly I went from where we where, to having a happier little boy that can nearly always go to sleep on his own happily in his cot.
If you could give us a typical days routine then we can see what's happening and start from there.
I think it would be easier to take one step at a time, maybe start with the not feeding to sleep, or stop the rocking to sleep etc. It would be such a shock to your little one to suddenly have his whole routine changed.
With regards to the pu/pd you should pick your baby up and gentle rock or pat his back etc. only until he calms down and then lay him straight back down. It may take sometime, for the first few times he might cry the second you lay him down but eventually he'll realise that it is ok to go to sleep cos if he does cry you'll be there for him (this isn't to say he'll carry on waking for you to get him, I mean he'll feel say enough to go to sleep on his own cos he knows if he ever needs you, you will come for him). Saying that I find Dominic prefers the shush/pat to pu/pd so it depends on what your baby likes.
If your little one is showing signs of tiredness then take him away from the stimulus, so maybe into his nursery, draw the curtains, make it dim and maybe just sit and sing quietly to him or tell him a story, this will wind him down.
I would start by reading the faq for 'general sleep issues'
and 'naps'
(Sorry I don't know how to insert adresses so you click on them and it brings the page straight up)
I hope I've been at least a little bit of help, good luck, you will get there it might take a bit of time but you are in the right place here and you will do it
As I said above post your routine so we can make a start