In preparation for the arrival of Lilah's baby sister, we successfully transitioned Lilah to her big-girl bed without a hitch about 3 weeks ago. For 3 weeks, she hadn't yet figured out she could get out, it seemed... she'd call for us to come get her in the morning, and she'd just talk and play in there before nap and bedtime until she fell asleep. But just a few days ago, she figured out she could get out!! Bed time hasn't been too affected, as she doesn't seem to want to get out of bed when it's dark in her room, but we've had some issues with nap-time... one day it took her 1.5 hours to actually go sleep, and another she skipped the nap entirely, and kept screaming for us to come in (we close her door and have since she was very small, as we live in a small apartment and this greatly cuts down on the noise in her room). Is this a phase that will pass? It seems already that naps are going better... but how do I handle it if we have the same problem again? I want to be prepared!