Author Topic: Do they NEED to have water with solids?  (Read 1485 times)

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Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« on: October 12, 2006, 03:15:22 am »
So I read taht you should give your baby water with every meal of solids, or at least some breastmilk or formula. Otherwise the solids can be hard on their kidneys???? Is this true? DS is not a fan of water at all and he only gets one bottle at bedtime, the rest of the time he is bf. I don't like the idea of bf after solids because his routine is to bf, then eat solids one hour later. Somehow I feel he will turn into a snacker if I bf AGAIN after solids. Can someone tell me if this is just a bunch of hoopla? We have been 'injecting' him with water after solids by using a syringe and I hate doing that.


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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 03:23:46 am »
Just breastfeeding is perfect. It contains all the fluids your baby needs. If your routine is working for you, then stick with it. Sounds like hoopla to me too!

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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 03:31:12 am »
I think it depends on how much solids are consumed and how thick the mixture is. When we started on cereal it was quite runny so I didn't offer water or a bf snack. At closer to 8 mths I was making her food thicker and she refused water so I sometimes offered her a bf drink from one side, she would take a few drinks only for a minute or two. I continued to offer water first directly after her solids, it has only been recently (around 10 mths) that she actually will drink some water so I stopped the bf drink. Now that she's older I also don't wait an hour anymore, I bf her and then give her the solids right after, then some water. I wouldn't bother with the syringe of water, he can't be that thirsty otherwise he'd take some on his own. If you're using a sippy you may find that by taking the stopper out the water will drip out and he'll take it if he's thirsty.
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2006, 03:34:26 am »

Our pediatrician says that BFed babies will get enough fluids and therefore do not need water.  You can give water in a sippy cup to help introduce the sippy cup but I wouldn't worry too much about the water.  If you are worried, I'd ask the pediatrician and get their opinion on it.

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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2006, 07:21:38 am »
I think the injecting thing sounds tough. I wouldn't worry about that - as long as you are prepared to give him a quick bf outside a 'schedule' if he really seems to need it (of course you are BW so you will respond to his cues  :))
Sam didn't drink any serious quantity of water until at least 9 months. I introduced a sippy around 6 months but really just for the practise. I would agree with taking out all the valves and just let it drip out. With bf babies it sometimes said to be better to use harder spouted sippys to rule out any possible biting problems.
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 17:28:02 pm »
Keri, I am using solids as a time to introduce the sippy as pp said.  He drinks maybe a couple of drops at each feeding and that is it.  As soon as he gets the hang of it I am going to try to get daycare to use sippys instead of bottles for expressed bf.
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 17:41:14 pm »
With Natalie we had some tiny little cups (from IKEA, they hold about 2 ounces each, they sell them with the other kids' toys as I think they're meant for play). I'd put in about an ounce of water and we'd make a little game out of having her try to sip from the cup after every few spoonfuls. (Sometimes I'd use EBM or formula, especially since she weaned herself @8 months.) She probably got 1 or 2 ounces at each meal (and spilled 3-4 more LOL).

My personal theory is that as long as they are getting enough breast milk (or formula) even with a little water, it's probably not bad for them to at least get used to the taste so you have a handy drink down the road; it's a lot easier to pick up a bottle of water from a convenience store on a road trip than it is to find some other drink you can live with giving them once they're a year and a half old. Just make sure they're not getting so much that it cuts down on their milk intake.

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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2006, 17:46:14 pm »
Keri, I just recommended this on another post but thought of you on this too.  If you do try to use a sippy, I really like the one on this link.  I had issues with DS not trying to drink - just biting the spout.  Daycare told me that these usually work better than other types of sippys with lo's they watch.  They were right.  Bryan started drinking a few sips right away.  I think it is because the spout is made out of the same material as bottle nipples.  They sell them at Walmart

DS seemed to also do better with the finger grips on this sippy rather than handles.
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2006, 04:23:08 am »
My dd is 9 months and she just started taking water from a sippy
(its a nuby like the one in the previous post and she does awesome with it) She has water with her snack and sometimes at meal time, I have read somewhere too that it is good for them to have water when eating solids due to the sodium in the food and making it easier on the kidneys, but my doc said BM is good enough but to offer her water and if she drinks it she is thirsty. I will put the sippy on the floor while she is playing and she goes over and takes a sip when she wants it, or on her highchair tray at meal time (mind you she usually just plays with it!)
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2006, 05:05:39 am »
Keri - I was worried too about snacking and causing probs w/ BF.  I found that giving just a couple ounces of water with a splash of juice doesn't affect BF at all.  I give him a sippy cup in the am after solids while playing on the floor and then in the afternoon as well.  For dinner (solids), I BF after solids and that should be enough to help him wash down dinner. Right???  The way I figure it is that he isn't going to just drink unless he wants it.

One of the reasons that I started giving him the extra water is because of constipation and saw it made a bit of a difference for the better.  Originally, I gave a bottle, but he quickly became a professional sippy cupper and now he drinks what he wants and that is it.  No worries and I feel better about him making the decision if he's thirsty or not.  He also gets to practice a new skill.  :)

I hope that helps.
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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2006, 08:14:15 am »
I gave water to mine from about 9months onwards. She had a sippy cup from about 7 months but just for practise and didn't honestly take/hold the cup until 11-12 months or so. I would offer her water throughout the day but really only at about 9months when her diet consisted of more veggies. I was just worried about her constipating. But on the days she wouldn't have so much water, I would just offer her more fruit to balance things out/make sure she would poop. Also mine really liked watermelon (which is i guess a fruitier version of water) so I would give her watermelon instead.


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Re: Do they NEED to have water with solids?
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2006, 15:59:07 pm »
I don't bother - lo isn't fussed on having a drink with his meals but I sneaky it in - mixing his cereal with milk, putting in a little water with veggies (which are largely water anyway).

So far so good...