I'l really like to some advice please.
My 11 mth old has had bowel probs for the last week. Very loose stools, going 3 times a day (she's usually a once a day girl), mucus in stool. I've had her at the doctors, they gave her an antibiotic, and the stool sample came back negative for bacteria. She's otherwise fine - energy levels normal (though a little grumpy) and eating/drinking normally.
Her father has a gluten allergy so I've been trying to keep her off allergens as much as possible, although she has been having some cream cheese and yogurt - its so hard to keep them off everything allergenic and still feed them food they are willing to eat! And she had Cheerios for a few days before this started, though she's been off them for a week now.
I'm thinking her bowel probs may be allergy related. I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on this and what I do to try and figure out what the trigger is?