Author Topic: Diarrhea allergy related?  (Read 2197 times)

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Diarrhea allergy related?
« on: November 02, 2006, 01:10:04 am »
I'l really like to some advice please.

My 11 mth old has had bowel probs for the last week.  Very loose stools, going 3 times a day (she's usually a once a day girl), mucus in stool.  I've had her at the doctors, they gave her an antibiotic, and the stool sample came back negative for bacteria.  She's otherwise fine - energy levels normal (though a little grumpy) and eating/drinking normally.

Her father has a gluten allergy so I've been trying to keep her off allergens as much as possible, although she has been having some cream cheese and yogurt - its so hard to keep them off everything allergenic and still feed them food they are willing to eat!  And she had Cheerios for a few days before this started, though she's been off them for a week now.

I'm thinking her bowel probs may be allergy related.  I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on this and what I do to try and figure out what the trigger is?

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Re: Diarrhea allergy related?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 11:18:38 am »
Could also be teething and/or a virus. I guess if it keeps going you can do a wheat and dairy free diet and see if it makes any difference. But the combination of the BMs and the little grumpiness makes me think teething...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Diarrhea allergy related?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 13:40:44 pm »
I would tend to think it might be a sign of an allergy or an intolerance. My DD is only 4 1/2 months and is still exclusively breastfed, but whenever I have milk, cheese or soy, she gets really bad gas and stinky diarrhea (and sometimes a rash), so we think she either has an allergy or an intolerance, but are still experimenting trying to figure it out.

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Re: Diarrhea allergy related?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 15:39:15 pm »
My DS has had the same thing for the past week. People said teething, but he's never had diarhea from teething so far and he's a year with 7 teeth. So, I'd say if it hasn't happened before why would it start now? I took him to the doc and she said he probably just has a virus which is very common this time of year.
Last week I gave him peanut butter for the first time and i wondered if that was it...but since it's been going on for a week I don't think it could be (anyone? how long does a food allergy attack last anyway?)
He's off solids now and taking only bottles as per the doctor who said the intestinal tract needs a break to heal. He still has loose stools. No antibiotics but I am taking him back in if it doesn't improve more by mid week.
Any thoughts are appreciated.