HI everyone,
My health visitors are really annoying me about Ellies solids/ fluid routine. I dont know where I am right now. ANyway this is our routine,
Ellie has bad reflx, was weaned early cause of it and poor swallow, she is on thickened feeds also. On neocate formula.
They have told me the last few weeks she has put on too mch weight. Use to be on about 60th centile when breastfed, had to stop, and with increase in meds she does feed better, and with the solids and formula she is on on the 98th. But, she is also on the 98th for her height. She is a big baby. My friends mum is a pead and she says because she is now on the same centile, then she does not need to lose weight as she is in proportion, and the health visitors obviously cant read centile charts. I had previously dropped to four bottles a day, and this is hard as with her reflux she feeds to soothe her throat still. Now they are telling me to drop to 3! I mean fat chance! I'm struggling with the four. She can only take little and often. This was yesterdays routine.
7.30 wake and medicine.
8.00 Formula 6 0z ish.
10.00 Breakfast one oatabix, with 1/4 tub soy yogurt. 1 oz formula sippy cup.
12.30 lunch. 1/2 jar stage two meat with veg. Same amount of fruit. 1oz ish of formula sippy cup.
3.00 bottle formula, 6 oz ish.
5.00 dinner. 1/2 jar stage two meat with veg, same amount fruit again. 1 oz sippy cup.
7.00 bed bottle, 7 oz.
Any advice would be great, I just dont know if what Im doing is right or not. I'm seeing her consultant in two weeks so will ask her too.