SLEEP > Night Wakings

Success stories?

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I was wondering if we could have a sticky thread with night waking success stories (not successful night wakings, but successful FIXING of night wakings!  ;D ). I know on the Props page, the successful swaddle weaning stories were SO helpful to me - and guided me in how I weaned Owen.

Any chance we could do that? Or ARE there any success stories? LOL! Perhaps even arranging them by broad age ranges (0-6 mo, 6-12, 12-18, etc.) might help too b/c night wakings with a 4 month old who isn't even rolling over is different than helping a 9 month old who pulls up to standing and has separation anxiety!

I think thats a great Idea. I'll sticky this one and you can all add your success stories here.

Does anyone have a successful night waking fix story? I need some encouragement! lol


My DS is 4.5 months old and had started waking up to 8 times a night.  I tried weaning him from sucking my finger to get to sleep, and every time he woke up did shh/pat or PUPD but although it became easier to get him to settle he still kept waking up.  Last week a friend suggested that because he was still in a bassinet by our bed we might be disturbing him.  On Friday I moved him to his big cot on the other side of the room and he slept right through the night from 7.30 til 6.45 (with DF at 10.30).  I think he was more comfortable in the bigger cot, further away from us, further away from the window and with more space.  Also, yesterday we stopped swaddling him and used a sleeping bag instead and to my amazement he again slept right through.  I heard him wake up at about 6.40am but he didn't cry or call out.  When I checked him he was playing quietly with a toy!  What an angel.

I just posted this because last week he was waking up every 20-60 minutes all night every night & I was so tired and I didn't know what to do.  And overnight everything changed. So if you're in the same situation, don't worry, it might suddenly be OK.

i really, really, really need a success story right now. esp for 17 mth and older LOL


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