Author Topic: Protein for lunch or dinner?  (Read 2953 times)

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Offline skinnymalinks

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Protein for lunch or dinner?
« on: November 06, 2006, 12:21:17 pm »
Hi guys.

I have a dd who is 10 months old.  She absolutely loves her food.  She is on 3 bottles  a day but i find it extremely difficult to get her bedtime bottle into her.

At the moment i give her a protein/veg lunch at around 12.30 and probably liga for her supper at around 5.30/6pm.  I'm wondering would it be better to swop this around....give her her protein later in the evening?.  I read somewhere that its better to give protein at lunch because babies can get irritable in the evening and it can be difficult to feed them.

I would be interested to know when others give their kids their proteins meals....whether its for their lunch or evening meal? plus i would be interested to know what you give for supper? i'm running out of ideas!!! ;)


Offline Doj

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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 13:35:36 pm »

I have a 10.5 old who is also on 3 bottles a day.

Our schedule looks something like this

7am bottle 8oz
830am breakfast -always infant cereal about 3-4 tbl and either toast, fruit or egg yolk
1030-snack yogurt or fruit or cheerios
1230 protein/veg and fruit sometimes carb. I feed her sandwiches, boiled or baked chicken (try to make it tender she only has 2 front teeth) white fish or tuna or lentils and usually steamed veg and diced fruit. She can't breakdown any raw vegs
Lately I have made chili, lasagna, Sheppard's pie chicken soup
1pm bottle in sippy cup ( we are struggling with this one as she only takes a bout 2 oz)
4pm small snack maybe cottage cheese or something
530 dinner similar to lunch except I also give her cereal about 4tbl (not sure if I am suppose to, but I did read that they should have about 8tbl a day)
730 bottle 10oz.

Hope this helps. I am also struggling with food ideas both meal time and snack time. I will try and think of other things I make and pass it on.
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Offline skinnymalinks

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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 14:03:32 pm »
Thanks Doj,

Do you find it easy for you dd to drink her night time dd will probably only take around 1 or 2onz so thats why i'm thinking of changing her meals and giving her the protein meal in the evenings.  Its soo hard to know what to do isn't it.

Also you give you dd dd loves bread but i would have to give her the tiniest bit other she would start gagging and i wouldn't give her pieces of toast incase she chokes (i would loose my life!!)

At the moment she is taking 3 bottles, 8onz in the morning which probably 2 will go in her cereal.  I make up a 5onz bottle but she would probably only take around 3 or 4 out of that and make up another 5onz for bedtime, which again she would only take 2onz....i try and use most of her milk up in her food and give her yogharts but otherwise she just won't take it and once those lips are sealed nothing will go pass them  :)

i'm telling aint easy is it!! and those bleeding teeth don't help either  >:( just when we are in a good routine another one will pop up!! tis not fair. :(


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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 14:11:33 pm »
I do find it easy to give nighttime bottle. It seems to relax her just in time for bed.
What time are you feeding your lo supper?  I make sure there is at least 1.5 to 2 hours between supper and the evening bottle and it seems to be working for us.
Have you tried to switch the meal around? It might not hurt to see if she is taking more of the bottle.
I think that this age is hard because they enjoy their solids more than the milk.

As far as sandwiches I make one and break it into little pieces as well. I am totally paranoid of her choking so I am very careful.
I find that she is able to chew it better if I make it into toast with something on it such as cream cheese or a grill cheese which she loves. I usually sneak some chicken in there and she gobbles the whole thing up.
My dd is teething as well right now. It looks like she is getting her top 3 in at the same time. They have just been hanging out waiting to pop out.
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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 14:15:02 pm »
I forgot to ask you, have you tried to put the milk in a sippy cup? Does she like her cup?
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Offline skinnymalinks

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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 11:39:41 am »

She gets her lunch at 12.30 and her evening meal at 5/5.30 and after playtime, bath she would have her bed time bottle at 7.30pm.  She would take around 1 or 2onz and then the head would start shaking and nothing will pass those lips  ;).  I'm thinking of changing her meals around.  Last night i made a bath of baby pasta with milk sauce and tuna for her lunch so it wiill be interesting to see if she eats it (my mam minds her for me when i'm working).  She isn't a lover of lumpy food but the pasta is soft enough and it tasted ok (my cooking is not the best  :)).  She is sleeping ok, maybe having to get to her once or twice.

Is your dd crawling/walking yet? my dd isn't crawling yet.  When she is sitting and wants to go somewhere she reaches for it and ends up doing a belly flop, its comical to watch but she will do it in her own time.  She is lethal in her walker, nothing is safe so i can only imagine what she will be like when she does start walking.  And id say she is also going to be a little  chatter box, she is forever babbling away (i tell her daddy she gets that from his side!!)


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Re: Protein for lunch or dinner?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 02:16:15 am »
My dd is crawling and cruising on the furniture. She is a very active LO so that may contribute to her eating so much of her bottle at night. She is also very attached to her milk still. She loves it more than her solids

You schedule seems fine as far as timing. She might just be more interested in her solid food or having more milk during the day. She might be ready to drop the nightime bottle and keep the others.
Will she take more oz during the day?
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