Author Topic: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old  (Read 1515 times)

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Offline becky1969

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Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« on: November 07, 2006, 00:56:45 am »
My LO is 10 months old. He's been a pretty awesome sleeper from the get go, sleeping thru the night (with dream feed) at 3 months old. Naps have always been great - we've had brief bouts with the 45 minute nap monster that I've defeated with routine changes/greater awake time.

However, starting at 5 months we've gone thru some pretty awful phases with bedtime and nighttime sleep. We were having 1-2 night wakings where he'd be awake for 1-2 hours. He doesn't cry much, except at first. The rest of the time he's just hyper-awake. I've gotten it down to 1 night waking, which generally occurs between 12:30-1:30 am, and lasts 45-60 minutes. The last 2 nights bedtime was pretty awful, with it taking about an hour for him to fall asleep (generally he takes less than 5 minutes!!!!).

I'm wondering what the heck is going wrong? He just finished getting 4 teeth about 4 weeks ago, and during that period we had lots of restless sleep, but not too many true night wakings. He's also getting over a cold, so he's pretty stuffed up.

I'm suspecting it is a routine issue - either not tired enough or too tired at bedtime. I truly thought it was overtiredness, so I moved his bedtime forward (in terms of awake time) by 20 minutes each day. However, I now think he's UNDERTIRED based on the last 2 nights where it's taken him so long to get to sleep. Usually that means undertired for my LO.

I'm really looking for some input from moms of babies the same age. He's been crawling fora bout a month, and is working hard at pulling to standing, standing on his own (for up to 30 seconds at a time), and learning to walk. So I know there's a lot of developmental issues going on. I just can't figure out why I can get him to nap so well, but bedtime and nights just suck so bad!!!!!

Last night, despite the long time going to bed, went pretty well considering the last week or so. Fell asleep by 9 (usually asleep by 7:30), got restless starting around midnight, but didn't fully awake until 1 am. Got him back to sleep by 2 am using a combination of PU/PD, shush/pat in crib. Also just spent some time laying on his floor and waiting for him to cry before I respondonded. I'm embarassed to say that what finally worked was swaddling him. We weaned at 7 months, but I use it sometimes when he's nutty. He'll often fight it now, but last night totally accepted the swaddle, and fell asleep immediately when I placed him back in his crib. He then slept until 6 am without a peep, at which point he became restless again (was making a poo, I later realized) but didn't wake until 8:15.

PLEASE give me some opinions/advice! I'm exhausted!

Here's our routine: This morning's wake up at 8 am was very unusual (probably due to late bedtime). This routine is pretty much what happens everyday, give or take 30 minutes.

7 am wake (normally - an 8 am wake-up is totally abnormal!)
7:30 bottle
8:30 solids
9:30/9:45 nap (1.5-2 hours)

12:30 bottle
1:30 solids
3:00/3:30 nap (1.5-2 hours - I try to not let him sleep past 4:30)

5:30 solids
This is where I've been experimenting, keeping him up anywhere from 2-3 hours after last nap. 2 hours is too little, but 3.5 hours is definitely too much. I'm having trouble finding the sweet spot!

6:00 bath
6:30 bottle, books, songs, bed
7:00/7:30 in bed

1 am typically wakes up all the way, can be up anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours!
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 03:18:38 am »
sorry i can't help becky.  of course, addison is younger but she's getting nutty recently also.  i remember you talking about this age with owen.  i hope there are some moms with suggestions for you. 

have you tried the birth boards? 

Offline daniellechiasson

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 03:31:05 am »
At 10 months we were at 3 hours A time and a total daily nap time of 3 hours. I would wake her from naps if it was going too long. My preference was 1 hour in the morning and 2 max in the afternoon.

From your routine it looks like a short A time in the morning then a longer one (4 hours) in the afternoon. Perhaps you could extend the morning A time by 30 minutes and bring the afternoon nap 30 minutes earlier so your routine goes something like this:

7am wake
7:30 bottle
8:30 solids
10am nap (1 hour)
11am bottle
12pm solids
2pm nap (1.5 - 2 hours)
4pm (we always do a little snack in the late afternoon, no bottle here until before bedtime)
5pm solids
6:30 bottle, bath, books
7pm bed

Only a suggestion, Danielle

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 04:03:17 am »
I would suggest you stick to 3 hours daytime sleep aswell. We had 2 naps of 1.5 hours and also wake if she slept to long. Keep bedtime consistent. 7PM is a great time for bedtime. 3 Meals a day and 2 snacks. At this age is when we switched to solids first and then the bottle, but thats a choice for you. Having a morning snack and an afternoon snack will help keep your LO nice and full for sleeping.

Offline thedavies

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 11:04:57 am »
Hi Becky
your situation is my situation! Almost to a tee check my post yesterday:
Have spent a lot of time trawling the boards and am trying the extended activity time and later morning nap. Also my LO has never been a great daytime sleeper but currently does one 45 min nap and one 1.5 hr nap so maybe your LO could have a little less nap and a bit more activity...? That's what's jumped out at me for my situation anyway, the more activity time part. Literally the day my LO could stand up, we had major difference with bedtimes and nightimes, I think she really found it hard to get down again and that meant that we could no longer just leave her to play and drift off by herself at bedtime, after 5 solid months off being able to do that every night (damn that was hard to accept!) and so we've really had to work at walk in/walk out to improve bedtimes. I've also realised wind-down time becomes a major issue now, given that new-found mobility suddenly sees my LO scuttling round the house like a whirlwind....Also, I'm really trying to keep the transitions towards naptime and bedtime extra gentle and relaxing or else we have nightmare yelling and struggling, which is most uncool.
I'm finding that this age is so huge developmentally that I have struggled to keep up with the fact that LO is not so much a baby anymore but heading right towards early toddlerhood - and that all the elements of her routine need to catch up with her. Hard I know when you're knackered from broken nights, tortuous bedtimes and even wrestling matches at changing times!
Good luck, and I'll check back to let you know how that extra A time is affecting our situation here, if you like.
PS Can't tell you how much it helps to know others are in the same boat!!!

Offline becky1969

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2006, 01:10:31 am »
Thanks for all your replies!!!

thedavies - Yes!!! It absolutely helps to know others are going thru the same. Owen has been such an awesome sleeper for the most part, that these crazies are so hard to take!!

Last night went pretty well for bedtime. I let him have 3 hours of awake time before bed, and he was able to put himself right to sleep, with just 30 seconds of wiggling to get comfortable. Hooray! However, he STILL woke up at 12:45 am. didn't get him back to sleep until 2:15, and I'm afraid I swaddled him to get him to settle. I left him alone until he cried, then went in and did PU/PD. But, I could see he just could NOT settle. His little hands were pulling at his hair, mouth, etc. So I swaddled him, and he went almost immediately to sleep. I just can't figure out what this 1 am wake-up is about! Yesterday, he only had 3 hours of sleep total. Today, it's been the same - 3 hrs.

If we get another 1 am wake-up, I may try WTS because it seems like maybe we have a habit developing here. After I got him to bed last night at 2:15, he slept until 8:15 this morning. I'm also wondering if that's affecting things - that's now 3 times this week he's slept until 8 (after a crazy night). Of course, I totally take advantage of his sleeping in! But maybe a later wake-up is causing the night waking??
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline daniellechiasson

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 01:37:54 am »
Is he teething?

Offline thedavies

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2006, 11:26:07 am »
Becky I tried the same yesterday - she had much more activity time (which she was thrilled about) and pushed back both nap times. For the first time for weeks and weeks she went to sleep at bedtime with no intervention, and we left her awake to do so, so that's big progress. I think because her nap/activity times were more evenly spaced she was just ready to go without being overtired at bedtime.
So it feels like this could be a definite factor - she woke at 11pm and took about half hour of shush pat to get back off then slept through til 5.45am - after an hour of trying to get her back off DH gave up but we still kept her naptime back. So we'll see what happens.
Our LO is most definitely teething, so this is also a factor but I think the daytime routine tweaks are probably more significant.
Its hard with the sleeping-in thing...and I suppose if it becomes regular it would affect things, but its kind of like chicken-and-egg situation and you sound like you had the troubles before he started sleeping in.
I guess the classic BW advice would be to wake him though...wouldn't it? :-\
will be very interested to hear if you decide to do WTS
Ah well, before we know they'll be 15 and we won't be able to get them out of bed! Ha ha

Offline becky1969

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2006, 17:28:35 pm »
I keep waiting for him to turn 15 too!! It's what I live for right now!  ;D ;D

I'm glad the longer A time worked for you! I kept bedtime at about 3 hours after last nap, and he went to sleep really well again. It took a little longer to settle (maybe 10 minutes?), but I think that might partly have been b/c of his flu shot he got yesterday. Whenever he gets immunizations, he's always a little revved up.

He woke at 12:30 am, and by 1:30 am, I was able to just leave him in his crib chatting to himself. He eventually fell asleep on his own! Yippee!! He then slept without a peep until 6:45, when he started crying in his sleep due to making a poo.  ::) He was up for the day at 7 today, so we'll see how it goes. But I'm pretty thrilled with him putting himself back to sleep last night, and with him sleeping so well until morning. Maybe he just needs more practice putting himself back to sleep in the night? I'm going to try less intervention tomorrow. I went in when he started crying, but I should have left sooner and not given him a bottle, I think.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline thedavies

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Re: Why is bedtime/nights so different and hard?? 10 month old
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2006, 17:59:48 pm »
That sounds great....maybe this is the way to go. If its any consolation by the way, my LO has always needed intervention, apart from between 5 and 9 mths when she went to sleep at bedtimes every night by that's a lot of sitting cotside... :'( someone else has suggested this may also be the thing to try - less intervention
good luck tonight!