My DD started getting more short nap during the day around 10 weeks. I wasn't sure what it was. Then our typical 5 AM night waking started to move closer to 2am until there was 2 night wakings. I was finding that these waking weren't for food, more habitual. Because I alway used the soother to see if she was actually hungry. If she took the soother then I didn't feed her. Then, while looking through the message board I figured out it more had to do with her soother dependence. Although I thought I was using the soother correctly. It my DH that was just replugging in the soother whenever she woke up (on the weekends during the night or day) and me whenever I was in the car with her I would just replug in the soother to keep her quite. Well, she was waking because she didn't have her soother in her mouth and didn't know how to get back to sleep without it. So instead of plugging it back in I decided to ween her off the soother. There is a lot of advice about this in the prop section of the message board. It's tough the first couple of days. I started last Wednesday and now my typical day looks exactally like the textbook, with long 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps. There's no more waking because there is no more soother. Out of the last 7 days, she has slept through the night 4 times. And that means 6 - 7 bedtime, with a 10 - 10:30 dreamfeed and wake up between 6- 7:30. When I started the weening process (and it's a process), I used the clock to strictly schedule her routine and now she determines what happens next (she's 12 weeks old now). Well it's something to think about. Now, she'll use her wrists to self soothe when she needs it and sometimes she sucks her tongue. She'll still wake from naps and during the night occasionally, but she'll put herself back to sleep, which I think is a personal life saver.