here's yesterdays routine
4:30am up, changed, bottle fed, burped
5:30am back to sleep
7:30am awake, changed, bottle fed (only took 2 oz and threw it up)
8:45am bottle fed (took 3 oz)
9:00am Down to sleep (1 1/4 hours)
10:15am awake, changed, sat in her bouncy chair
11:00am bottle fed (took 7 oz)
11:45am down to sleep (fell asleep while eating) (3 1/4 hours)
3:00pm awake, changed, bottle fed (7oz)
5:00pm down to sleep (2 1/2 hours)
7:30pm I woke her for a bottle (6 oz)
8:30pm down to sleep (woke at 2:30 ((this is not normal usually it's at 4:30)) and the cycle starts again.
i hope that wasn't confusing
thanks again for your help