I actually have tried the stuffed animals. I even bought him this stuffed doctor doll that had some hair made out of string hopint that he would like to pull that hair instead of mine. It didn't really work. Lately he's been so into Batman though, I may just make him a little stuffed batman to see if that will work

His routine goes something like this:
8:00 A.M. Wake up (it's really hard to wake him up!), have a bottle and get dressed and ready for school
8:30 to 12:00 school (although he's going to start his Christmas break next week and it lasts until January)
12:00 to 1:15 play, watch tv, whatever at my mom's
1:15 to 2:30 lunch and hang out with mommy for a while
2:30 to 3:30 or 4:00 nap (after his bottle)
4:00 to 6:00 or 6:30 play, watch tv or whatever at my mom's (except on the two days a week I go to school, and then I don't get home until 9:30)
6:30 to 7:30 dinner and play for a little while
7:30 bath
8:00 we get into bed and read one or two books and then I give him his bottle and turn off the lights, and then it usually takes at least 1 hour for him to go to sleep.
Last night though, I let him stay up later since my sister needed some help with her thesis, so he got to play and be wild until like 9:00 or 9:30. After that he started crying for his batman shirt (I'm about ready to burn the darned thing!!) and so I took him home (we live on the 8th floor and my parents live on the 9th so really we only took the elevator home) gave him his bottle while I put his sister to bed, and then went in to see him and told him I was going to the bathroom and I would be back. He called me back to his room a couple of times but then he fell asleep. IT WAS HEAVEN. It may be a lot better for us than the gradual thing, it feels like with that plan I keep changing things on him every couple of days and he seems to not like change very much. Maybe it is just better to rip the bandaid in one pull...
Thank you again for taking the time to help