Just a bit of an update! Today I tried the W2S at the 1 hr mark as recommended and he slept for 1h 45m, that is great! I will keep trying the W2S for the next 2 days and see how we go.
I have another question though, although his night wakings are A LOT better, he is still waking up approx every 4 hrs, although it's mostly a quick 2 minute resettle, but nevertheless he still wakes. Why? He is capable of falling asleep independently, so I cannot understand why he still wakes. I taught him to fall asleep on his own using WI/WO and now he is at the point where I can put him down, say goodnight and walk out, no crying and is usually asleep within 5 minutes. So once again I ask, why does he wake?
If I could just fix his nightwakings, it would be PERFECT!!!