Author Topic: Is there any help for early wakings?  (Read 851 times)

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Offline Mamalou

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Is there any help for early wakings?
« on: November 14, 2006, 23:00:19 pm »
I'm so jealous of people who wake there baby or go and get there baby who is happily waiting at 7 or 8 am. :)
My LO is 6.5 mo old.  He was waking always around 6 so I recently decided I'd just start the day at 6 instead of having to wake up and pat him back to sleep. 
Of course, now that I've decided that he's waking at 5, this morning it was 445! :(  Is it just going to get earlier and earlier?
Here's our routine (what we strive for)

6 wake and bf
7 solids
830 nap for 45-1.5  (strive for 1.5 but sometimes will not extend 45 min)
10 bf
11 solids
1230 nap (same as above, usually we have atleast one good 1.5 a day, one 45 min)
2 bf
430 catnap (he was really struggling with this recently, but usually if one nap is short he will sleep at least 30 sometimes 45 on catnap)
bf when he wakes
A and bath
top off bf
bed 730

Df at 10 or 1030.  Want to wean this soon, but worried he's waking early cause he's hungry?
Sometimes he wakes for df.  It used to be at 11.  I'm trying to go earlier, and eventually want to give him a bottle of EBM and give less and less to wean.

I should say that up until just recently we were trying for the same but a 7 wake up.  But if he woke early and I coudln't get him back to sleep then I'd feed and start day.

I'm just wondering if there's something I can do to get him to keep a fixed wake up time? I'd prefer 7, but 6 is ok.

Thanks in advance


Offline debo620

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Re: Is there any help for early wakings?
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 23:34:21 pm »
although lots of people have 12hr nights, lots of people only have 11. I think if he is asleep by 7/7:30--then probably a 6am wake-up is realistic.
Noah---January 30th, 2006
Cohen-May 22, 2008
Julia-August 14, 2013

Offline Mamalou

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Re: Is there any help for early wakings?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 19:38:48 pm »
hi thanks for replying. Actually didn't realize my post posted becasue my internet went out last night as I was posting it...

I've tried to play around a bit with bed times, sometimes 7 sometimes 730 and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Last week on a swimming day I put him to bed at 630 cause he was so tired but he cried til 730 anyway...

seems to need just 11 hours

Last night he woke at 230 and I tried patting him back to sleep (usually works) but fed him eventually.  Then he slept til 6.  Wish it could just be more consistent.  I hate 6 am but I could deal with it if i knew it'd be everyday...

any more ideas?

Offline Mamalou

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Re: Is there any help for early wakings?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 22:22:44 pm »
Actually Stacy, I'm quite sure swimming days are definitely overtiring for him!  He always wakes up babbling in his sleep just a few hours after he's put to bed :)
His naps are off lately anyway, he usually does get one 1.5 hr but the other is 45 and then he'll have a catnap 30-45 min.  After swimming I usually get 45-hr from him, but he's quite fussy when he wakes up from the catnap that's why I went straight for bedtime routine that time.