Hello and thanks to all who've given me help and support. We're now at day 6 of weaning dd from breast to sleep. She must have been ready, because it's really been fairly easy. She doesn't cry at all when she's put in her crib. She only wakes up once. and the time to get her back to sleep is shortening. I guess I'm doing gradual transition. The first night I had to PU/PD a lot, rub back, shhhhh, everything. Tonight I just touched her back as she stirred a little almost asleep and mostly I stood back from her crib and even went in and out of the room a few times- it only took ten minutes for her to sleep. Questions: When/how should I try to transition to my not being there at all? Should I continue like this gradualy distancing myself? Or should I change to WI/WO? I haven't tackled naps yet. I try to organize the day so that I go out with car or stroller when she should nap. I confess that today I nursed her for afternoon nap because I was really tired. When/how should I go for the naps as well?