Thanks for all your support guy's. Last night was truly amazing, I'm not uncrossing my fingers just yet though.
Yesterday she went down for a nap at 2 p.m. and slept for an hour and half.(yeah!) I tried to get her to have another nap at 5p.m. but she wouldn't go down. She was extremely overtired, i did her usually bed time routine bath and bottle. And tried to settle her at 6p.m. rather than 7p.m. It took me an hour to get her sleep. She then slept until 10.30p.m. feed went back to sleep, woke at 1.30 a.m. feed, went back to sleep, stirred at 4a.m. so put her pacif back in and she went back off until 5.00a.m. when she feed again and sat with dad for an hour and then napped again in her swing until 7.00 a.m.
Can't believe it could it be by pushing her routine to 3.5 hours and adding cereal to her bottles has made a difference or is that she is so tired that she needed the sleep? we will see what happens tonight i shall keep you posted.
Big Hugs and kisses to you all.xx