I have an independant sleeper. Maybe had is a better word.
Cause I am up to her for the third night in a row. (and that is just the unexplained nights, but I have been getting up to her for more than 2 weeks due to travel and illness).
But these wakeups are taking hours for her to go back to sleep. Dont' know why.
She is a tummy sleeper and finds it very difficult to resettle if she rolls on her back, which she is doing. But she isn't going back to sleep when I go in and flip her back over. Nor when I put the dummy in (which I havne't had to do in a really long time - and she can also do this herself anyway). I have tried panadol, bonjella, and a drink of juice (she won't drink water and hasn't had a night feed since 4.5 months old, but she is taking a good 100ml of juice.
She is a spirited baby. And is recovering from yet another illness (but normally once recovered she goes straight back to sleeping through, I don't know what is different this time).
She does not appear to be in pain, although I do know she is teething, but the bonjella and panadol did not help anyway.
She cries out, then is happy when I come in there, then cries out when I leave etc. That was the last two nights - I sort of ended up doing wi/wo.
Tonight I went to her at teh first stir to see if I could stop her waking right up - it didn't, but it did prevent some crying. But it has been 1 hr now and she still isn't back asleep, and keeps rolling to her back.
I know she is very capable of resettling, she has slept through without a DF since 4.5 months. She is now 7 mo 3 wks.
I thought it may be habit, but tonight she woke an hour earlier than the last two nights.
Her approx routine (although we are pretty flex with this cause she short naps often) is
5/5:30 wakeup
6/6:30 breakfast - solids and bottle
8/8:30ish nap - usually 1-2 hrs (if shorter has a second nap before lunch - unless at daycare)
11/11:30ish lunch - solids and bottle
1ish Nap 1-2 hrs
3/3:30 dinner - solids and little bottle if seems hungry
5:30 bottle
6pm bed time
Her day sleep varies anywhere from 1.5 - 5 hrs. This has been the case the last few days and has no impact on the night waking. 1st day of these long wakeups, I thought she got too much day sleep (5 hrs), but next day she only got 3, and it was same, and yesterday only 2 hrs so it can't be that.
No matter how much sleep she gets in the day, a switch in her flips at 6pm and we have to put her to bed otherwise she cries and cries til we do.
Re her being ill recently, Dr has given her the all clear. She lost a fair bit of weight, but she doesn't seem hungry and is now eating quite well during the day.
What am I missing here? Why is she waking up? And refusing to go back to sleep for a couple of hours?