I posted another post if my son's repeated infections were do to allergies, BUT I was wondering if any of you have had experience with this:
My son has had all the symptoms of a milk intolerance since birth. He was on hypoallergenic formula for the 9 mos. and then to Lactose Free Formula. At 1 year, we tried whole milk and he ended up in the emergency room because he refused to eat and drink anything.
We finally switched him to Lacto-free Whole Milk and he would drink about 9 oz. a day. Finally after a complete evalutaion at the Chidlren's Hospital (which we are still in the process of). They want him only drinking Pediasure because he weight has dropped on the curve.
He has had 4 infections in the past 2 months and now is on his 4th different antibotic. Out of those 2 times, they did not know what kind of infection he had, only that his white blood cell count was high. No ear infection or strep throat.
So... Maybe could he be having a major reaction to the milk protein and that is causing his white blood cell count to go up? He does have a number of yearly allergies also and is allergic to Soy (or was at 9 mos old).
OR could he have something more serious like lukemia (I don't even want to say that).
I am just SO STRESSED OUT with this. He never feels good and it is driving me crazy. I just want a healthy little boy.
Thanks, Wendy