no, I didn't feed him because I worked so hard to break the habit of being picked up and nursed when he woke in the night.
I considered the diaper thing, and tried for a couple of nights changing it, but it didn't seem to make a difference. I thought his room might be a bit too chilly by that time, so I've started putting a blanket on him at bedtime. Only problem is, it gets thrown off in the night and the one time I was able to replace it was after that 4am df, and he did sleep later. Who knows? I've wracked my brain trying to figure it out. As I've said, he's been showing signs of teething off and on for going on 2 months now. Maybe it's a combo of working on molars and chronic overtiredness?
So of course he was totally sleep deprived after last night and had crappy naps, so I put him down at....5:30pm

!!! I'm a little nervous about putting him down so early, but he was clearly in need of it.
I'm actually considering doing a one-time df at 10:00pm just to help him get through the long stretch of a night.
Thanks all are so sweet to be helping me out with this.