I have a 14 mo old dd. After a number of issues related to house moves and illness, including reflux, I did wo wi and after a couple of days of 4 hour sessions it basically worked - miracle! I was still giving her bottles before her naps and bed times. She was still waking for bottles 2x per night and I was gradually watering these bottles down and reducung the amount in them. At that point I was going to write and ask how to eliminate the bottles and night wakings - and then all hell broke loose.
This was a couple of weeks into her falling asleep on her own with no more than a gentle pat from me sometimes at bedtime when she would maybe cry once or twice for me to go in. I had the babysitter who regularly sits my 4 year old babysit the 14mo old as well for the first time. Unfortunately she didn't follow my instructions for how to put the baby to bed, nor did she phone me s instructed when things didn't go well, but rocked the screaming baby to sleep - nnnng!
That was about 4 weeks ago and I have been doing wo/wi ever since. We are now at a stage were that is going a lot better, but it is still a nihtmare and I would really like some help as I feel like I have lost my focus, I also feel like I am losing my mind and I am exhausted ALL the time. What is more I am a week away from a 2 day journey involving several flights and stopovers, the longest flight is about 10 hours, and then we get to an unfamiliar place about a thousand degrees colder than where we live full of strangers and a 5 hour time difference. Plus my baby cannot, just CANNOT, fall asleep or settle on me, although she can in a crib or a car. We just did a 40 minute flight twice in the last week and it was a NIGHTMARE of screaming and squirming and pulling and scratching.
I am dreading these flights with her on my lap. I will be flying alone with the two kids.
After the babysitter incident she would just scream anywhere near her cot. Now she will go in OK and will eventually settle, but whereas this was taking a few minutes, now it is still taking up to a couple of hours 4 weeks down the line and for bedtime I am in and out almost constantly, sometimes having to stay, sometimes having to keep my hand on her, and even then she screams and gets very upset.
SA is an obvious consideration I know, although I am confused because she is perfectly happy to play on her own and for me to leave the house and to stay with the same babysitter (although I make sure I am back for bedtime) happily waving bye bye and never getting upset.
She is also still having bottles before naps and bedtime, which I don't mind so much except that she 'needs' it t settle even though she finishes the bottle before she goes asleep.
She still wakes twice through the night at least. She is teething at the moment and some nights she is up, down, up , down all night but wimpering even before she is awake despite pain meds. If I go to her when she is whipering she may settle for a while, if I don't it turns intp an all out meltdown that can last a couple of hours.
She wakes early.
She has a good routine and schedule and needs and gets two naps a day. She sleeps in our room because there is no other room for her. When I travel, however, she will have her own room for 3 of the 6 weeks.
I am so exhausted I don't even know what to write and I am so concerned about this impending trip. Help, please. I fly on 28th and land on 30th November, so not long to go and I want to do all I can to help her in the time I have.