I can't really complain, dd was never a good sleeper as a baby and now she is fairly consistently sleeping through the night. However, she is pretty much refusing a daytime nap at the moment. She is 16 months old and has been on one nap a day for about 3 months, it was working like a dream!
Our routine goes something like this;
5-6am wake
Ideally I would like her to go to sleep from about 11-1 but recently I have been trying allsorts. Yesterday I put her down at 10.30, this morning 10! She goes to sleep really well following a bf, but then wakes 30 mins after putting her in her cot. Previously people have said that waking 1/2 h after going to sleep is often a sign of overtiredness, which is why I tried an earlier nap today.
6pm breastfeed followed by bed, usually around 6.30pm.
I am after a sensible time to try to put her down for her nap, I just can't figure it out! Generally Sophie show little sign of being overtired when she is awake, although she does generally get a little excited before bedtime and we have to work hard to keep her quiet. I am hoping this is just a phase coinciding with her molars coming through.
Look forward to hearing from you