Author Topic: switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!  (Read 937 times)

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switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!
« on: November 27, 2006, 15:32:53 pm »
Okay, we are expecting baby #2 in February.  We decided since we were home for an extended weekend that we would try to move or 26 month old ds upstairs to his new room and big boy bed.  He sleeps with his paci, so we still let him have that for the time being until he adjusts.  Well, I had heard that he may escape, but he seemed terrified the first night.  Finally, after two hours of in and out of his room to comfort him...he fell asleep.  We put him there for his naps and for the last three nights.  Now he jumps on the bed, plays, yells for us, etc...  Sometimes for 1/2 hour other times longer.  Is this normal?  What can we do?  We just keep going in every few minutes and telling him it is sleep time and put him back down and cover him.  Is this right?  Will this continue forever or will it end when he gets more comfortable up there?  Any suggestions would be helpful.  oh yeah, he seems to be waking earlier also.  Is this because of the transition?


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Re: switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 16:15:56 pm »
We had to move our ds into a toddler bed at 9-10mths because he was crawling OUT of his crib. We even had the side rails but he kept mowing over them in his sleep. It took about 2 wks but he did get used to it.

We ended up with some early mornings because he could just get up outta bed and leave his room.  We put up lights on a timer in his room and explained to him that when the lights go on you can come out. It took alot of showing him what we meant because at that young age, really -  lol...But he did get it and wouldnt leave his room until the lights came on.

Its completely normal. Its a new novelty and a new independence for him. It will wear off. Just make sure he gets lots of time to play around his new bed during awake times - it will wear off  :)

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Re: switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 16:45:53 pm »
HI, when you go up and tell him it's time for sleep you should only tell him twice and then after that you should not speak.  No attention what so ever.  SO rapid return with no response, just keep laying him back down, put the covers on him and say nothing but leave the room.  You could spend 20 mins or you could spend 2 hrs, depends on the child really.  It is going to be a case of who can last the longest before one of you gives in....and you do not want to go down the road of letting your lo or you will have the same trouble forever. 

So i suggest you get a book and read upstairs so you can get him back down ASAP and not let him have fun on his bed.  It could take anywhere between 3 days to a week to sort out, but you will get there in the end.

Good luck.

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Re: switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 17:03:04 pm »
We moved Tyler to the big boy bed when he was just a couple months older than your DS. We put a bunch of quiet toys in there at first to help him forget to be scared...books, some Thomas trains (if that's quiet play for your DS), stuffed animals, etc. The first couple of weeks, he would stay in there happily and play for up to 2 hrs, even though we'd made it clear that it was time for bed when we put him down. He didn't stay in his bed, but as long as he was happy, we let him be. Eventually he'd fall asleep on the floor, bed, wherever. He had a couple of weeks where he was sooooo tired because he wasn't getting near enough sleep, but it took 2-3 weeks max before the novelty of his quiet toys wore off and he started falling asleep faster. That's when we started to gradually take toys out of his room and now there's just a few books and stuffed animals. To this day, he'll still take awhile to fall asleep sometimes, and I could care less what he's doing in there as long as it isn't dangerous and he's happy. So you might consider just letting him be if he isn't calling for a pp said, the novelty does wear off, and I kinda think it's a waste of energy to try and get an energetic toddler to lay down in bed and stay there. But that's just me.

Is the door closed? When he calls for you, could you try reassuring him from outside the door and only going in as an absolute last resort? If that doesn't work, some WI/WO like you've been doing sounds like the right thing.

The bed jumping would scare me for safety reasons, though. Is your LO's bed off the floor? You might think about just putting the mattress on the floor by itself so that if he jumps, it isn't dangerous and that's one less thing you have to deal with. The novelty will wear off! And yes, early wakings are common during a transition like this...he's overtired, but it will pass.
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline dmills

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Re: switched to "big boy bed" and this is what is happening?!
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 17:19:03 pm »
Thank you all for the words of wisdom.  The toys he has on his bed are his "comfort" items from his crib...sock monkey, froggie, pillow, etc...  So there shouldn't be much novelty with those.  Yes, I kind of agree...if he doesn't call for us, then I just let him be for a bit and then remind him it is nap time/bed time.  My woodworker/crafty husband took off the full door and built a half door.  That way, we can peek in and still communicate when needed.  I love the light timer idea!!