Author Topic: EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?  (Read 1326 times)

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Offline Sarahboosmom

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EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?
« on: November 28, 2006, 00:00:03 am »

I have been trying to find info regarding an EASY schedule for my 2 mo DD who was diagnosed today with reflux.  I was told to thicken her formula, give her frequent smaller feedings (she was 4 oz every 3 hours) and take Zantac twice daily.

If I reduce how much she eats how will she make it on a 3 hour easy?  She weighs 11 lb 8 oz as of today.  The Dr cautioned me not to feed her too much as an over full tummy aggrevates her reflux.  We have an upper GI scheduled for Thursday to check the severity of her reflux. 

Any advice for me on a typical EASY schedule including the no. of oz per feeding?  If the formula is thickened with cereal won't she go longer between feeds?  Also, she spits out all of her Zantac, it is peppermint flavor.  Can I add that to like 1 oz of formula and feed that to her first then give her the rest of her feed?

So far after the first dose of Zantac, plus one bottle of thickened formula she is finally still asleep for her nap!  She's been asleep for 1.5 hours for the first time since she was 2 weeks!  She was born at 38 weeks and was jaundice too.  So we've delt with alot.  I've looked at the reflux forum but I wanted specific help with an EASY schedule.


Offline Mum to Ella Rose

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Re: EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:50:51 am »
{{hugs}} first off. Reflux is sooo tough.

We never thickened bottles but with reflux you just have to do what you can until you get the pain under control. We always tried to follow a modified EASY.  We would feed upon wakening but continue to feed during A time. Does that make sense? We would follow the whole principle of EASY though and not feed to sleep. Even if Ella needed more food right before bed, depending on how old she was, we would make sure we put her down awake to not create a prop.

As far as spitting out the med. Have you tried squirting it as far back as you can, but off to the side a bit too? Like into the cheek? The trick is to get them to have to swallow without triggering the gag reflex. Ella, and a lot of other bubs here, grew to like her zantac once she associated it with "no more pain." You could try putting it in the bottle too and see what happens. As long as she's getting her full dose.

Congrats on the sleep and don't forget zantac is very weight sensitive and needs to be upped a lot.

I hope that helped a bit with the EASY (it's been so long it's a blur already  :-[ )

Just wanted to add, Ella still has reflux and is a champ sleeper. It's all due to BW. So it can be done with a 'fluxer, their GERD just needs to come first.  :)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 03:52:31 am by Mum to Ella Rose »
~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline Sarahboosmom

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Re: EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 02:42:12 am »
Thank you so much for the info.  I had her on EASY since she came home from the hospital but it has always been a struggle.  She always seemed to not be quite right with feedings and it is so hard to tell if she was fussy or in pain.  She always seemed hungry and rooting and I would feed her making it worse!  At least now I know!  Zantac and a switch in formula and thickening has helped tremendously!  She slept from 8 pm (fed at 6:30pm had bath) and I tried to do a dream feed but she was in such a deep sleep even un-swaddling her did not help!  Usually she wakes right up!  She still slept until 4 am!!!!!  I was so excited!  However, she woke at 6 am screaming again (perhaps I didn't keep her upright long enough after her 4 am feed?).  I gave her the pacifier to suck on and she went back to sleep in my arms upright, I just held her until 6:45 when it was time to get her bottle ready and start our day.  Any advice for the night feeds or DF?  Will it cause her pain if I DF then put her right back down (her mattress is elevated very well).  Today she had very few episodes of reflux, only about 2 times (compared to the normal 3-4 times per FEED!).  We go to have a upper GI done on Thursday to see how bad it is.  Thanks for the advice!

Offline Mum to Ella Rose

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Re: EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 04:30:47 am »
Yeah on the improvement sleep wise! I hope it continues.  ;D It may have been just her medicine wearing off with the 6 am waking...  :-\

As far as night feeds and df, we would feed Ella as upright as possible when feeding. Almost standing, using pillows to prop her. We also would try to burp a wee bit and just keep her upright for a few minutes by having her over the shoulder and gently rubbing up the left side of her back. We never had too much of an issue putting her down then, (we also had the crib elevated too) as she didn't always throw up immediately but she would always throw up during the night regardless.  :-[

Keep me posted on how the test goes!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline jenandben

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Re: EASY schedule for reflux 2 mo old?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2007, 16:01:43 pm »
Hi there.  My little guy has GERD as well with the same doc advice as you.  We've had trouble adjusting to EASY as well, because on days like today he hurts so badly he doesn't let me put him down.  He's sleeping in a carrier right now.  As awful as it is, I'm happy to find someone else with the same troubles.  Sharon's advice seems good.  GERD comes first.  So I'll wear my lo until he wakes.  Feed him.  Then, see how he's feeling.  Hopefully we'll be back on track with EASY later today.

What the process for the test you're having done?  Is it very invasive?  Just wondering for my own lo's sake.