Someone on here said that repeated ear infections can be do to a milk intolerance/allergy.
I say it is worth the try. I wish I had listened to Karen, Michelle and everyone else that kept telling me to try it.
Just be sure to watch for the hidden ingredients. If you are going to do it, better off not doing any dairy at all. Get some cocunut milk when you get the rice milk. I got the brand Goya (Asian section). One can is like $2.00, but I don't care. I have been putting 2 oz. in with 8 0z. of rice milk (2 0z. oc cocunut milk is 8 or 9 grams of fat). Also make sure he is getting protein in another way.
I have read that the rice protein is not a "complete" protein and is bascially pointless unless within the same 24 hour period you add a legume or a seed in the diet.
Here is some info. that I found on the Food Allergy website.
Rice milk with coconut milk, in theory, helps cover the bases because of the increased fat. (You're looking to approximate 8 g fat/8 oz, which is what whole milk is.) The thing with the protein is you need complete proteins, whether they're from animal sources (meat or egg) or combinations (grain + legume or seed). They do not have to be at the same meal, just within 24 hours of each other. The following are just examples, look for Mel's protein combining primer for specifics, but my understanding is that if you have something like rice protein at 8 am, as long as you have sunflower seeds by 8 the next morning, you body will find all the amino acids it needs (freed by digesting the foods) and put it to good use. If you DON'T have a complement by the next am, then it's not "used" and doesn't "count." So it's important to create that "whole" protein.