My DD is 1 yo and in the last week her sleeping has gone from bad to worse. She has never been a great sleeper. After some training in her 8th month, we got her naps on track and her nighttimes were coming along until teething hit. But now, everything has gone to H-E-*-* in a hand basket.
About 3 weeks ago we were on vacation, she ended up sleeping in bed with DH & I for most of the trip, mostly out of courtesy to the family we were staying with, we didn't want to keep them up with her crying in the night. When we got back from vacation she got a terrible cold, DH would not let her sleep in her crib because he was worried about her breathing. So the cold was gone and I started to put her back in her crib. She would go down no problems at 7pm, sleep until between 11pm and 1am. When she woke here I would try PD for up to 2 hours, she would scream and cry the entire time. I eventually would cave out of need for peace and some sleep, take her into bed with us and she would crash immediately. Well, the last two weeks it has gotten even more out of control. Now she cries the second I put her into the crib, sobbing, screaming, the whole 9 yards. She is waking at 5am and refusing to go back to sleep, even if I give her a bottle, try to snuggle her in my bed, anything & everything. Tonight from 7:30pm till 9pm I struggled with her, in the crib, out the crib, rock for a bit, try again. I would have her calm in my arms, the second I even motioned for the crib she would tense up and freak out. Finally I walked to my room, layed her in the middle of my bed and she flaked, crashed immediately, limp as a noodle, soother popped out and everything. I wasn't even snuggling her, she was totally on her own in the bed.
Why would she be doing this? Could it be separation anxiety? Why does she only do it for night time, she takes her nap in the crib no problem? Could she be feeling the effects of me going back to work and needs this time to reconnect? I was home for a year with her, now she's got my sister caring for her in the mornings, my DH in the afternoons.
Her routine is all out of wack with the 5am wakings but we were working on the 2 to 1 nap transition and for a week she seemed to be doing well with it. She was napping at noon until 2pm, then going to bed by 7pm. She has cereal with milk when she wakes, a snack about 9am, lunch at 11:30am, snack when she wakes and supper at 5pm. We offer her milk in the sippy cup throughout the day and a bottle after her snack (sometimes she wants it, next time she doesnt) . She takes between 7 & 9 oz before bedtime.
I know this is a jumble of information but I hope someone has some suggestions. I have a fairly high-stress/paced job and this 3 hours of sleep a night is killing me. I am even getting short of patience when dealing with my DD and that scares me. When I feel myself getting to that point with her in the middle of the night that's when I take her into bed with me.
Can I get out of this vicious cycle? Help!! Thanks in advance.