Author Topic: allergy testing  (Read 1111 times)

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Offline ashti

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allergy testing
« on: December 01, 2006, 23:47:41 pm »
We went to an allergist for my dd's food problems.  The blood test results came back as allergic to wheat, eggs, milk, and nuts.  The allergist has us scheduled for a skinprick test later this month.  I have a couple questions.

How reliable are each of these tests for children under 2?  I was expecting milk and an intolerance to soy, but was not expecting the positive reactions to the wheat, nuts and eggs.

Dd does not like strangers touching her, and she definately doesn't like doctors and nurses touching her.  The blood work was a real struggle, and I'm worried about the scratch test.  Those of you who have had your lo's allergy tested, any tips or advice?  What exactly do they do?  Does she have to be restrained, or lay still?  What's involved?

Thanks, any advice is appreciated.

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Re: allergy testing
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 01:46:15 am »
When DS had the allergy prick test he was about 9 months old.  He sat on DH's lap facing DH so the Dr coudl do the test on his back.  Not to scare you but it was pretty bad  :'(  The actually pricking wasn't so bad but after they put all of the   drops of the allergens on their back they leave the room for about 20 mins in which time you are supposed to keep your baby still so the stuff on their back doesn't wipe off.  DS reacted to the control one (which got huge and very itchy) as well as milk, eggs, dogs and cats.  He was crying and squirming and we felt very bad for him  :'(

I would suggest taking something to distract your lo or maybe a bottle/sippy cup or snack of some kind (if they will let her eat anything).  In the end I was very glad that I had teh test done because of the answers I got but it really wan't all that fun to go through.

Oh and now that Carter is almost 2 he eats eggs and almost all dairy products with no problems  :)  He only reacts to milk if it gets on his skin (hives) but otherwise he is totally ok.  As well he has never had a reaction to a dog or a cat ????  Sooo not too sure on the efficacy of the test  ::)

HTH  :)
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